Nameless inversion would probably be better than last gasp because it can alternatively be a pump spell.
If you're running 4x Mana Leak, I would put rune snag in over them
This looks like a really fun deck to play :) (btw there are 2 homeward paths in the deck)
With 10 legendaries in the deck I would suggest hero's blade. Also mystic monastery over nomad outpost because it's in your colors.
This looks really fun to play, but I think the tower cycle would go well in this. (Tower of Fortunes, Tower of Eons, etc.)
So I put in some green stuff... any suggestions for my sideboard?
Yeah I was thinking of splashing green for gladecover scout but im not sure what else to put in. Any suggestions?
lol that sounds like a good idea, but i would put the commander as one of the uncommon ones in legends. Jedit Ojanen in particular.
Master of cruelties fits the flavor and would be a good win con. (lower them to one then ping them for one with any creature.) I would switch it out with Mephidross vampire.
Nettlevine Blight would be pretty in-flavor :D
Chromanticore would be fun just to throw in there :p
I would do dissolve instead of cancel, its pretty much a direct upgrade. Other than that, I love the deck.
I would swap Golden Hind with Azusa, Read the bones with explore, and shift doom blade into sideboard and put summer bloom in there.
Rakshasa Deathdealer would be good for some early aggro.
I really like this deck, but I think it would be better if you put some cards in that let you play multiple lands a turn (particulary azusa, lost but seeking; explore; and summer bloom)
added, thanks for the suggestion :)
probably at most 12$ for one card, but it depends on which card.
I think stain the mind would be fun :)
I made one! :D. I'm pretty underexperienced with exalted so feedback would be nice.
hopefully that explained it enough :)
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