suggestion: you need multiple sudden spoilings , demonic collusions, lightning axes, and disintegrates
wow this is random with no real plan.................. come up with a plan, a decent mana curve for your plan and some consistancy.... 1 of each card no matter how good it is randomizes the deck too much and makes you hope to see a certain card too much then you can have no real good counter plan if your opponent launches a surprise, cause you no real idea what the heck your going to draw next....
Drop Silvos, drop 2 living ends, drop 2 tormods, add two Avatars of Woe, put in 1 stone sisters of death, add Teneb. Add more land maybe some seleysna dual lands...... I would take out 2 of the saltcrusted steppes and replace with dual lands then add some more swamps I think if you take my suggestion you have two more slots for swamps left.