Hmmm the Genesis Wave was a good idea it would really speed up the deck
Lol i have a shitton of bears in my extras I was wondering if i could make a decent deck out of them and this has given me a few ideas.
I realize it'll take a good six turns to pull it off but just something i've been playing around with lately.
Also I see what you mean about Sylvan Ranger, it is a lot more versitle.
I was thinking Primal Bellows and Vines but thier both Zendikar and it's out Feb. 4 when Beseiged releases and i wanted to keep it standard.
i'm not really a fan of three color decks but this is pretty good
Damn just realized i had planned on putting a couple of Garruk's in here but looks like it didn't make it, but anyway thoughts on if it would work or not?
I liked Cultivate because it brought one to the field and one to hand for one more that than the Sylvan Ranger also works with Groundswell as well, and yeah the Fog's did seem like a good idea but now i realize Natualize is a better option. Also was considering the Groundswell idea, I like the "needz moar pump".
Nice, Sharpshooter def one of my fav cards.
Not bad certainly looks a little better than mine ^_^.
The Clasps were mostly for Proliferation of counters, and the True Convict was admittably a bit over kill. I have two that i just wanted to put somewhere.
lol i had the exact same idea but use Magosi with Contagion Engine to get two counters on it then maybe pairing it with Garruk to untap to get an second extra turn but got caught on the return to hand.
No it's not broken, tried to build a deck around the infinite combo but got squashed every time by a simple creature deck with mad buff that a friend threw together. Too slow, no real efficient way to bring Myrs back.
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