No problem!
Low casting, quick beatdown is the theme I'm shooting for. I updated the deck just a bit to show you what I'm shooting for. Most of the creatures are either low casting or difficult for others to deal with early game.
Please check out my profile on my builds! I have most of these decks built and would like some feedback or suggestions to make them run better without spending too much money on them.
Oh! thanks for pointing out Hamlet Captain and Gideon's Lawkeeper, I completely forgot about those guys!
I'm going to build this now.
Take a look at mine, I played against my friends with this setup and it's quite competitive and fast.
Here's another set of decks i own, let me know what you guys think. I have two decks that are painful draw decks. One is useing blue/black, and the other is red/black. Both are fun, and when I play a team multiplayer game, I let one of my friends use any of the two deck and we can beat anyone. *Painful Blue/Black *Painful Red/Black I finally updated my soldier deck. check it out.
updated the deck.
here you go, this deck is really fast, but very weak against pinger burn decks.
if anything, you can run putrid imp, reanimate, and exhume in this deck so you can do another alternative way of getting the demon out in first turn. All you need is, swamp, purtid imp, dark ritrual, Exhume or reanimate, demon in your opening hand, and the infect spell.
not bad, take a look at my painful draw deck, both the R/B and U/B versions. Very well constructed and take a look at the draw spells that i use. Mines are non creature, and my b/r version runs a lot faster. The blue is just a fun deck since forced fruition and wheel and deal are very strong, but expensive to cast.
take a look at my painful draw deck, both the R/B and U/B versions. Very well constructed and take a look at the draw spells that i use.
check my shroud deck. literally it will eat blue decks
put magister sphinx in there. attack of surprise when you cast necromancy as an instant... (before the end of opponents turn, BOOM their life total becomes 10)
this deck needs goblin bomb, heck maybe even festering goblin so you can do -1/-1 when you sac it. other than that, that is a very nice build. I might consider building something like that, i seen mono red, but rarely black and red.