
2 Decks, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation

I'd cut black entirely for blue. Maybe see if you can get a Scrying Sheets engine going and use Skred. Stall with stuff like Remand and Boomerang, and add Ponder and some more target burn for removal. You're dead in the water against big creatures unless you have a fireball and either a ridiculous amount of mana or a Furnace of Rath, so it's better to have counter/bounce for dealing with that stuff.

Posted 25 January 2010 at 20:24 as a comment on vodoo


I like this a lot. Just two suggestions:
1) Cut Feral Hydra. Just because it uses +1/+1 counters doesn't mean that they contribute to the deck. I'd take it out for something like Phantom Centaur or maybe Phantom Nomad, since your curve is a bit high.
2) I feel like you might have color problems. Some Rampant Growths or something similar might help. You might not need it, but it's a thought.

Posted 25 January 2010 at 20:01 as a comment on Phantom/Hydra/Graft
