i like. it's fun to sit there and return all there stuff. i think i am going to make a deck like this. thanx for the insiration
wrong-o kiddo. your friend's got it right. nothing beats darksteel colossus
first things first. ditch the red. second, more lords of the undead, and more undead warcheifs. at least one more korlash, 4 dark rituals, 4 sudden deaths, and at least one dibolic tutor. plus some festering goblins, unearths, doomed necromancers, undead barbaians, and soulless ones. woosh!! this deck needs major work to become anything worthy of a zombie deck. trust me, i played zombies for about 2 years
i guess i didnt state this, but i would like to keep this deck type 2. and mono-green
i do have big creatures. Guile. everything is stalling till i get one. and i do agree with taking out jace and putting in howling mines, and i would have out isochron scepters, but i dont have any and anyone i know with one wont trade it.
ya, maybe through in some treefolk harbingers, just to block or if you need a forest