Love the idea! Cataclysm isn't standard though..?
Definitely a card that should be in here.
I made a variation that I think is a bit more consistent.. See if you like it.
beseach the queen could do some work! Sowing salt is an easier splinter. You should definitely put some enchantment search for the prismatic omen.
Search for tomorrow is another good choice for land search. Sweet turn one play I think
I think Kodama's Reach or Cultivate would also be good choices for land search as they pull two and thin out your deck a bit faster. I don't know about the beast sub theme though... I don't think advocate of beasts is a good choice for modern. If you put more prismatic omen in, that would help make it more consistent and you could add some search for sorcery cards to dig for splinter. Ancient stirrings is nice to get your landshapers
Plus you have to take out explosive vegetation and new frontiers out to make it modern. Im sure you can find other land search cards.
I feel like there are better game enders for this deck than lodestone myr and llanowar behemoth. I like it and some of the land searching stuff is nice for accelerating, just don't be afraid to cast new frontier when x is 1 or 2. It will help a lot more than you think. Also, try the mana dorks and maybe add some other land destruction stuff. I think that will make it more consistent in the main idea and more lethal. i would also probably through out the infinite mana idea as I don't think it will be very effective in modern.
haha yeah those three drops
Alright. I want some draw for off turn miracle.
Hows this look?
I like it. Turn two play plus maybe you don't need the cards right away. And you can bluff a counter and then activate it at their end step
Ill proxy it and test it. I just thought it would be cool. Im not surprised its not putting up results though lolWhat about a modern Mass Polymorph deck? :P Bunch of one drops and polymorph into big guys. give them haste
No he built like control with bonfire of the damned. Idk I want another modern deck. Check out this:
I think I'm going to try and make modern miracles..
I feel like your hoping to draw the right cards in the other deck. There so many 1 and 2 ofs. I like this deck better
Looks like poop... haha jk I like it! Nice twist to hatebears. I like the fact that there are so many creatures.
That's crazy!!
How does it work with the two Amulets? Can you tap the land between the triggers?
Hows that look?
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