
3 Decks, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation

The more I think about it the more I like the idea of playing white sun zenith in place of angel of glory, actually.

Posted 01 June 2012 at 19:53 in reply to #260926 on Standard Token Shenanigans (Tournament Play)


Over stacking entreat ruins its chance at the miracle cost in my book. Since this deck doesn't have any land generation it's risky to run a high count of entreats in light of you top decking it, and not getting to play it for its miracle. Angel of glory rise is a debatable choice. Why do you think it doesn't belong? I like the late game option it brings just in case I don't get an early parallel lives and low token gen, and am forced to play a high defensive early game. If anything I would play with doomed traveler over master's call, or run with my grand abolishers in hand, rather than have them in my sideboard; they're a great shut down to instant damage counters that could ruin a much needed offensive phase of a token deck. I also love craterhoof for its late game finisher aspect. I've won multiple games drawing that card with an entreat or something along the lines. 4/4 angel tokens getting 7/7+ with trample is basically a win.

Posted 01 June 2012 at 18:14 in reply to #260926 on Standard Token Shenanigans (Tournament Play)
