i do not care how many
well since you have top put in counterbalance GREAT COMBO
put in orim's chant for a stall tactic and you can put it on a sceptor and if they have no disencant they have no way to kill you with creatures and it is super annoying
well mill decks are not easy to get around but predictable as soon as they know you are a mill deck they will just full assualt you and try to kill you or my favorite thing to do if i know they are there even if i am not running green put a couple gaias blessings in the deck if you are milling as much as you are you are bound to find one but yeah on to helping a card that might help you is glimpse the unthinkable since you have twin cast in your deck you glimpe them then twin cast that is 1/3 of a standard deck and just looking at your side board i am not sure that you will even need the luminar ascenions yes they are good but you are not suppose to focus on damage i would worry more on defense and stalling since you have the milling power in your deck already
i like it nice and basic and easy to use the only card that is disappointing not becuase you picked it but becuase of the change in rules is mana web sadly now they can just tap all there mana in response to it and not worry about mana burn but mana web still can be very usefull and i still would keep it in like you have one thing i would do in the side board is take maybe is a icy minipulator to tap creatures for the assasin but just a thought and it would be for fun it would never really be pratical in a tourny
this looks ok for casual play but i would put some basic counters in instead of remove soul and essence scatter ... counterspell is what i mean and put in more ponoders instead of index and sleight of hand other then that it is a good start just cut out some corners and refine the deck
statis is a great deck yes cheap but great and effective
cool making a drawback a win condition nice thought
not that i am saying this sucks but i am just curious why you use cancel instead of counter spell just one less mana but it does help
a good mill card you might not need but it is fun is glimse the unthinkable it will mill them faster if you are not doing standard type 2 and if you want to it looks like to me i might be wrong you would search for mostly instant or sorcery i would put in mystical tutor instead of diabloic tutor it mana cost is alot less
nice combo with the goblin war drums and fmiliar ground but only 8 creatures in your whole deck seems kinda lacking monsters even if you only need to hit them 10 times but snake vult initiation would take care of most of that and to be honest it does not even need black lotus or lotus petals so it can be done on the cheap
yes goblin chieftian is better i am putting them instead
i have not done tests but i think i will put goblin cheiftain instead of goblin warchief i want either one in there for the haste ability to keep the enemy off gaurd
i personally like oldschool goblins like goblin lacky goblin piledriver and goblin matron just some of my favoites and i just think coat of arms is to slow for a goblin deck
well you do not need to just proxy the card
or if you want to spend a BUNCH more on the card in question you need to use time walk
and a comment i see you do not need to do anything with it alot of your creatures cost ALOT just a thought and a thing i noticed
you might want to put a radiant archangel in the deck with all your flying plus with emeria angel it will grow in power every time you play a land it is a 3/3 and gets a +1/+1 for every flyer you have and with all yours you have are flying it will be to a great ultimate creature for you
i started playing around plainshift and stopped around Dissension and got back into it 2010 core i missed alot but i am a quick study^.^
i quit about 3-3and a half years ago it was just getting to expensive for me and my friends did not put up a challange anymore ^.^ plus i started college. i started up i found some more people that i hang out with that play often. now that i am done with college i can get back into it
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