
71 Decks, 10 Comments, 0 Reputation

Nice deck, High Tide is one of my favorites! Turnabout and Cunning Wish are very good cards in this deck if you can get them. The 15 card sideboard is important too because it acts as an extension of your deck if you use Cunning Wish.

Posted 11 October 2013 at 19:53 as a comment on High Tide (budget)


Looks really good so far. Have you considered Omenspeaker? She can help you make land drops or prevent you from flooding out

Posted 26 September 2013 at 23:10 as a comment on Esper Control


Thanks for the feedback :) I've only tested this against a few other decks so far: U/B Faeries, U/G Infect, Red Deck Wins, and a couple others. I haven't lost a match so far in my shop and everyone hates the deck lol. I'm not sure how I feel about Vatmother yet, but it seems to be okay so far. Sometimes I just don't draw any Crusaders and it's a pretty big threat they have to deal with immediately. I might consider Dismember though. I love playing this deck so far because it reminds me of my Legacy Pox deck.

Posted 25 June 2013 at 05:05 in reply to #370018 on Modern MBC


Yeah, I was thinking about taking out the Sandstalkers and 2 other cards for Goblin Guide x4. Thanks for the input

Posted 31 January 2013 at 16:15 as a comment on Legacy Burn
