and take out the skin shifter
take out the swords put in some hamlet captain, accorder paladin and maybe mentor of the meek
Goblin Assault
Inivisble Stalker And maybe Mentor of the Meek for some draw power
Honestly Rooftop Storm is kinda poopoo cuz its cost is so high and by the time you get it out you could play other zombie cards so easily. Why not try some Stillmoon Cavaliers, Skaab Ruinator, Endless Ranks of The Dead or just add in more Grave titans
maybe even civilized scholar
I feel Mayor of Avabruck is out of place here. Why not put in some boneyard worm and maybe spider spawning
YOOO maybe parallel lives after innistrad becomes legal. MAKE DOUBLE THOSE SPAWN TOKENS
Maybe Bitterblossom could help. its a bit risky but you can have lots of tokens out and fuel up with coat of arms
Divinity of Pride and Serra Ascendant are possible additions for you
Oona Queen of the Fae would be fun with Painter's servant and milling in general
Definitey check out Necrotic Ooze. it'd work well in this deck