Yeah, Huntmaster seems to be a suggestion I get all of the time. If I start playing Standard, I will get at least 2. Casually, I'm fine. But Greenee, I really like that idea. Blasphemous Act is one of my favourite red cards in standard, and with Full Moon's Rise... well, you know. Thanks. That's probably all the help/suggestions I'll need.
That's true. i'm not a fan of Cackler or Slitherhead, but Deathrite always seems like a good creature slot.
That's a good idea. I have made a few decks where my opponents just hate playing against me, because it's really selfish or is too powerful.
Thanks. I don't know what really goes into a turbofog deck
Well, Tinker is banned across the board (and not fun to play against), Forgemaster is kind of costly, and I think Fabricate is better to play than Reshape. Although, in retrospect, Grand Architect isn't the greatest choice for this deck.
No I don't. Read Razor Boomerang's reminder text. It says right on the card!
Read it again: Exile the top card of your library. If it's a permanent card, you may put it onto the battlefield. If you do, repeat this process. May is the word to look for. You could deck the top 50 cards, leaving something like 25, and think, "I'm fine, I'll stop". Why would you think I'd play it if I knew it'd kill me?
How would the Elocutors help? Thanks for the feedback. It was meant to be a modern Illusion tribal deck, so I don't think the Elocutors will work :(
Thanks a lot everyone. I appreciate all of your comments :D!
Defense Grid could be replaced with City of Solitude or Price of Glory. City of Solitude guarantee's 100% no one playing anything not on their turn, and Price of Glory makes them think twice about tapping two lands more-so. Recross the Paths is kind of odd. If I were you, I'd play Boundless Realms instead (since although it costs 7 to play, you get your money's worth of lands). Brawl is kind of weird as well, but since you're playing with big creatures, it's not that bad. Maybe change it with Arena (land) or Magus of the Arena (creature) or Ulvenwald Tracker (creature), since they can continuously have your creatures fighting others. Lastly, you might want to change your Hydra Omnivore for Akroma, Angel of Wrath ( if you can find one). Hydra Omnivore is a decent creature, but since it has no trample or abilities other than it's "all opponents get damaged", it's hard to connect with.
Thanks for the suggestions. Craterhoof is a decent consideration, Wolfir is a maybe, and I'd like to have as many Forests for mana as possible. I have, in 1v1, won on turn 5 with this (Rofellos was out with Concordant Crossroads + Burgeoning, so ramp was kind of awesome)
I know Overrun is better than Predatory Rampage, but Kamahl can Overrun multiple times and at instant speed when he's on the field. That's why. It's also the closest thing I've got to a boardwipe.
I was contemplating that, but Silver Legion is a second Coat of Arms for me, and that's the card that usually would win me the game. What if an Elf general had the same ability, or a Goblin, or a Zombie, or a Wizard? It'd be insane! Sure, Overlord can search for Legion, but Legion will win you the game.
Yeah, you mentioned a lot of the EDH staples. I'll consider it. Mind you, I haven't fetched out for any of this.
I said that it wouldn't be playable in modern (for funzo's)
You can't play Bringer of the Black Dawn. Because it has colours in its ability that aren't in your generals colours, it's techincally an illegal card to play. The only way a Bringer can be played is if you're playing a Multi-coloured deck.
Change the lands. Make it so it's 15 Forests and 6 Mountains, at least. otherwise, I don't see any problems
Thanks a lot. I didn't know I could use basic lands. So... does that mean that I could put swamps into a mono-red EDH deck? It wouldn't tap for Black, but maybe if you're playing something that requires a swamp.
But I am really happy that you have included lots of good stuff, like Damnation, Maelstrom Pulse, the lands, Lord of Extinction, Mortivore, Door of Destinies, Sol Ring, Solemn, Green Sun's Zenith, Overwhelming Stampede and Primeval Titan. it's clearly more dangerous than your previous Mono-green deck.
Just a heads up, Jocatus, that aggro means that the deck is fast and really aggressive, and doesn't care about life and whatnot. I know you want to keep your Treefolk tribal, but if you want a really aggro general, Skullbriar is probably your best bet, next to Glissa the Traitor. To put bluntly, Sapling of Colfenor isn't aggro at all. But the thing is, with EDH (At least in our play group), you shouldn't go Aggro, since we usually play with multiple people. You shouldn't take any particular strategy. What you should do is prepare for anything: include lots of removal spells of all kinds. Bramblecrush, Putrefy, Krosan Grip, Steel Hellkite, Gleeful Sabotage, Decree of Pain (which is better than Hex) or Beast Within are just a few good EDH-worthy spells. You can then focus on a strategy after you have a decent EDH frame. Also, try to include some spells that improves your defense and makes you less of a target to attack, or more-so, makes people think twice about attacking you: No Mercy, Engulfing Slagwurm, Grave Pact, Nevinrryal's Disk, Oblivion Stone, Penumbra Wurm and Solemn Simulacrum are some cards that will make your opponent think, "If I attack them, it'd actually be beneficial for him more-so than me..." or "I'll be screwed if I do something to him..." The frame of an EDH deck will probably take up 20-30 of your card slots, leaving you with 30-50 other cards to include. That's what you should leave for your treefolk's and such.
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