Dead Remnant

by surewhynot on 12 June 2012

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Instants (8)

Artifacts (2)

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Deck Description

In tribute to a good friend I met on this site, WhiteAndBlueTheyKillYou. He always loved reanimator, so this one's for him =]

Deck Tags

  • Graveyard
  • Reanimator
  • Tribute

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 17,622 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Not Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Dead Remnant

Nothing wrong here. Of course, I seldom expect there to be issues with either your or White's builds. Putrid Only is the only thing you could consider here, though Careful Study kind of addresses that issue. And, i dont know about you, but Underground River wouldn't be a terrible play here, either. Granted you can't fetch for it, but youre likely Delta-ing for a Sea so just having another coloring chance would be viable.

Hope this helps. If you get a chance, I've 'finalized' my Black Hole build and would love your insight (


Posted 12 June 2012 at 23:25


thanx for the support would u mind taking a look

Posted 14 June 2012 at 00:02


with the red splash, why not try faithless looting over careful study? It might take a bit of a mana base touch-up, but in those moments where you're getting flooded (a.k.a having 3 lands in play, with reanimator) it could really make a difference.

P.s. glad to see some valued deck builders still kickin' it on the ole vault. (:

Posted 14 June 2012 at 06:35


Alright, well I tried out Looting, and it just didn't work =/

Posted 17 June 2012 at 06:27


gahhh :/
now I'm tempted to make it work.... hahaha, ohwell.

lately I find modern is my domain. In December I'm flying across the country to attend a modern gp, so I'm kind of just going all out. :)
So if you ever see a modern deck of mine posted, all feedback is encouraged!

Posted 17 June 2012 at 07:42


*Force of Will*

Posted 17 June 2012 at 18:34


Also, in terms of creatures, I honestly think sphinx of the steel wind is better than archangel atm. In the maverick, most their dudes that will pack a punch are green anyways, and RUG delver is still a thing. Mind you they can still stp it, but if you're really that concerned with removal, you have inkwell (:

also, have you tried griselbrand over jin? I can't remember who it was, I think Reid Duke, just placed 1st at an scg open with reanimator. He used 4 griselbrand, so maybe he's onto something, haha. Grisly just helps in terms of life gain, and card advantage, both of which are amazing right now. Plus he's well out of burn range, and if they do go to path, take 7, draw 7. It's really broken in reanimator, hahaha.

Posted 14 June 2012 at 06:40


I tried out Grisly, but I like Jin more for the other part of his ability. Jin is so awesome for Reanimator because he forces the opponent into topdecking...and having little to no response to the stuff this deck pumps out is game over. Also, I've gotten rocked by a well-placed Path after using the draw 7...and with how suicidal reanimator can be, that hurt pretty bad =/

Reid is a notoriously suicidal player, so it doesn't surprise me one bit. Still, I prefer good old Jin.

I've been swapping those two (Archangel and Sphinx) back and forth between my MD and SB...It honestly changes by the day depending on who's in the shop and stuff. As for Looting, I'll have to give it a few runs, see how it works. My concern is it could add unnecessary mana burden, which Reanimator has plenty of to begin with, but we'll see.

Yeah sadly Joe's long gone and WnB said he's taking an extended leave from magic since nobody around him plays anything but Standard =/ Good to see you're still here man. I'm just riding out this crap-fest until the Admins finish with "Vault 3", then everything should be much better =]

Posted 14 June 2012 at 07:15


Yeah, I can see arguments for both sides of the table in regards to Jin v.s. Grisly. Personally, I'd rather a grisly, but I can see both sides.

The vault's gone to the dogs lately, man. It's upsetting :(

Posted 14 June 2012 at 07:30


Glad to hear I'm not the only one getting bored/tired of all this standard stuff. The depth of option in Legacy not only is incredibly more interesting to me, its also much more familiar. Half of this standard.stuff is just so much the same. How many Delver, Infect, Snapcaster decks do we really need to see, you know?

Long live Vintage/Legacy!.

Posted 14 June 2012 at 16:53


I think what I will do is squeeze Grisly into the SB because there are times where he would be the better choice =]

And yes, long live Legacy =]

Posted 14 June 2012 at 20:00


agreed. Standard is nice, but I think that there should be way more attention to legacy/vintage here. So many possibilites!!! I myself don't really have the funds to do much, but I am very much tired of seeing more delver decks. also, I would like to see it because my knowledge of older cards is limited because I am still a fairly knew player, but there seems to be very few people here that will tell me much about what I want to know.

anways... I digress. I hae always really liked reanimator decks. I got one from a friend, and tore it aprt because I had no clue what it was. stupid me. the only thing that Imight say would be good here is living death. if you end up getting screwed over for some reason, just turn the tables and flood the field with you're creatures, while empying it of their creature. :)

Posted 21 June 2012 at 16:22


Dat sideboard!

Why are there more Snow Swamps than Snow Islands though? I'd think that extra island would help the Daze

Posted 15 June 2012 at 02:12


Eh, in practice I've never run into any issues with that. And yeah, I'm quite proud of the SB =]

Posted 15 June 2012 at 02:20


Idk, i honestly think you'd be better off going 15x cheatyface instead. Haha

Posted 21 June 2012 at 04:55


Well in true Cheatyface fashion, you may as well run BOTH!

Posted 21 June 2012 at 06:58


Compare this to the Premium Deck Series Graveborn deck.

Posted 18 June 2012 at 02:17


Overall I'm pretty happy with what WotC did with the Graveborn deck. Yeah, it's not a true reanimator deck, and it won't win any tourneys, but it serves as a good "baby's first reanimator", which was the point I think.

Posted 19 June 2012 at 06:24


And a bunch of awesome new art or first time foils.

Posted 20 June 2012 at 05:48


Yeah, the new art for Crosis looks absurd.

Posted 21 June 2012 at 00:44


dagbaker has deleted this comment.

Posted 22 June 2012 at 07:26


Terastodon is rather meh, as is Elesh. I'd trade them for another Iona and Jinn. I personally like Gristel better then Jinn, but its your choice.

Also, this isn't a mono-black deck.

PS: I finished that Liliana Jund deck I started a while ago.

PPS: I'm back!

Posted 21 June 2012 at 20:42


Maybe it's your meta or something, but terastodon has actually been amazing for me. I added grisly to the SB because there are definitely times where he works much better, but yeah overall I prefer Jin. It really is an apples to oranges kind of deal most of the time...they both kick massive ass =P

Also, what color would you call it? It's kinda hard to put a color to reanimator haha.

Oh, and good to have ya back man

Posted 21 June 2012 at 20:59


Oh, and Elesh is for Dredge and Mav. (and Fish to an extent) mostly, but again has been surprisingly useful in general.

Posted 21 June 2012 at 21:02


Elesh is a boss bitch agains ma dredge deck. and i don have a SB for id so I cand sb 2 deal wid id

Posted 22 June 2012 at 07:28


Trying to make a reanimator myself as it seems really badass. I'm thinking black/green because of fauna shaman. What do you think?

Posted 21 June 2012 at 22:21

Permalink ;)

Sure... where are you finding the funds to this?

Posted 21 June 2012 at 22:41


:) Can't keep a good zombie down, I got back on here since one of my friends said he wanted me to design him a deck as part of his birthday present(alongside a bag of skittles and coffee filters), lo and behold there's a tribute deck on the front page.

I can't tell you how happy this makes me, but to make up for that failing, I think I'll stick around later. I have a small trip tomorrow, but afterwards I have a reason to start building again

More later, I'm half asleep preparing for my trip. But I'm back for at least a bit man, I can't resist >_>

Posted 22 June 2012 at 07:45


Okay, so the first thing I notice is that you're running a Ponder. I know Ponder is an amazing card, but Brainstorm is oh so much sweeter. Reanimator runs a high enough fetch count that Brainstorm really is the optimal choice. And I hate saying that, because I hate finding when something is actually optimal... It leaves less logical room to tinker :/

Flusterstorm was AMAZING, but game one I found myself preferring Spell Pierce for diversity. It's really a 50/50 choice based on how combo and artifacts are represented in your area. I found having the ability to use any of my counters on a turn one LED or Sphere invaluable.

On the subject of SB, I can't argue with something so close to my own :P I only really think grave hate is worth if you run three or more though, so I'd probably drop the Extirpates for Stifle. I can't tell you how many games that card has given me.

Overall I think you did really well in getting how I think right for this, but I'd probably not have had the Heron lady, and just kept at three Extirpates. I'm touched you'd make a tribute deck, it means a lot man. And I would never have seen it if it wasn't for one of the standard kids asking me to make him a design, maybe I should give the format one last chance...

Posted 22 June 2012 at 13:32


Honestly I had the Ponder in just to test its effectiveness, and will prolly go back to a full playset of BS.

Combo is a pretty rare sight in my area, likely because people caught on to the fact that we have two local Extractors XD. In this case I think it really is one of those choices that's based much more on locational meta than overall effectiveness.

Hadn't considered Stifle...that's a damn good idea man. As for Sigarda, she is flat out nasty man. I was genuinely surprised how useful her ability can be in certain match-ups.

Glad you got a chance to see it man =]

Posted 22 June 2012 at 22:28


I can dig it. I was just wondering about that Ponder, it seemed out of place for you.

Combo being light would be considered by most a good reason to run Spell Pierce actually. Denying Fish its Vials, Walkers from oh so many decks, and Enchantments in game one can really make a strong case for Pierce.

Stifle is something I started tinkering around with when Hive was a big deal, and I've not really seen a reason to let go. It was one of my favourite additions to my SB in a looong time.

Sigarda is powerful in a lot of matches, but she seems equally a wasted slots in others. A good meta call though. One of the greatest strengths of Reanimator is that, like Extraction, there's always an answer to your opponent.

I just got back from another one of my random trips, but in the morning I'm going to try and check out what I've missed :D

Posted 23 June 2012 at 05:43

Permalink you have me wondering if I should try out spell pierce =/

Yeah Siggy, as I call her, can be superfluous in some games, but in the ones where she matters, god damn does she deliver. Like I said above, tell me how YOU would deal with Inkwell while Siggy is also out? =P

One thing you've missed is my second design for Iso-Pox called "The Idea". I think you'll be surprised by it. I was

Posted 23 June 2012 at 06:04


Alright, gave spell pierce a try and it IS more useful.

Posted 29 June 2012 at 19:28


why not brainstorm instead of ponder, jus curious?

and also i need MEGA advice on this EDH potential deck. if i can get it to be very good, then i would like to make it in the future

Posted 22 June 2012 at 07:54


Deck link:

totally forgot to post the link lol

Posted 22 June 2012 at 07:55


The commenters on this deck remind me of Helm's Deep or the Alamo or something...the last bastion of the brighter days of the Vault. Just missing Ded and a few others.

Posted 22 June 2012 at 09:54


Then perhaps it should be re-energised with awesome, why hide in a keep when we have formats to conquer?

Posted 22 June 2012 at 13:38


You rang?

I've been a little busy with that annoying thing called "real life", so with the short times I've been on the Vault, I've not been ignoring the "top decks", "upcoming" lists and people's profiles :|

I think that any reanimator deck that runs blue should run at least 1 Show and Tell.

Posted 23 June 2012 at 07:46


*I have been ignoring.

Also, welcome back WnB I hope you stick around :)

Posted 23 June 2012 at 08:09


Yessir, WnB. Let's do this!

Posted 23 June 2012 at 18:48


Back when I was still new, one of my first creative decisions for Reanimator was to nix Show and tell. I thought it unnecessary, and that it changed the way it works too much. I've had much better luck with just making it harder to disrupt the usual pattern than by adding it.
While I feel that way, I can definitely see why a lot of people use it. Graveyard metas always have abundant hate :|

And as for a picture, how about this?
Danse Macabre seems only fitting for a deck about bringing the dead back for a whirl ;)

Posted 24 June 2012 at 23:24


That, is f**king awesome.

Posted 24 June 2012 at 23:57


This all seems very thought very thought out but I like to have 1 or 2 Angel of Despair's for the removal part, atleast in the sideadboard to deal with O-rings or Fiends hunters or other things alike. I love the Sigarda in the sideboard as Fleshbag marauders and such are the only ways to deal with the Inkwell leviathans and Simic sky swallowers, never thought of her. Otherwise I like the very legacy like setup, that's where Reanimator belongs, also it's the greatest of formats. Always looked forward to the day you would make a Reanimator deck, good work.

Would appreciate if you took some time of your busy awesome deck making and took a look at one of my decks that I am thinking of making : Mono red artifacts.

Posted 23 June 2012 at 01:57


I have terastodon in here instead of angel of despair for just that. And yeah man, try getting rid of good old Inky with Sigarda out =P she's been great for those control-heavy match-ups. I've been wanting to make a reanimator deck for a while now, so it's nice to finally have one.

Now I just need to find a good picture for the sleeves for this thing. Mayhaps WnB could find a suiting picture? =]

Posted 23 June 2012 at 04:28


Kliff has deleted this comment.

Posted 23 June 2012 at 02:40


Quality deck, like it a lot. Please check my Reanimator deck, this one is mono black, you could find it fun, thanks,

Posted 23 June 2012 at 14:26


this looks pretty awesome sure, i likes it. personaly i like running 3 jin, and i would drop elesh for that, but your right when you say elesh is a godsend in some matchups. i'd call this deck BU, on account those are the color spells you'll be casting.
I've kinda been taking a break from the vault, as what i'm working on right now includes planechase 2012 which isn't up yet, but this is a nice deck to see upon returning.
Though i feel like a lowly beggar for asking, could you check out this deck of mine? got the idea a little while back, and though it's a rough draft i think it has some potential:

Posted 24 June 2012 at 00:46


Hi surewhynot,

Great deck as in norm for you. Sigarda, Host of Herons + Inkwell Leviathan is brilliant.

The discussions by you and others is even more brillant.

Have to echo DedWards comment about Show and Tell. Your sideboard should have some defense against all the sideboard hate; Grafdigger's Cage, Leyline of the Void, Progenitus Relic etc.... Though I guess you could hope for the best with all the counter spells in the main board.

I like Sheoldred, Whispering One, it great in group games and it's good battling other reanimator decks.

Always wondered when you'd make a reanimator deck since you've always seemed to love black and made such wonders as Black Sacrifice, Pure Evil, Look Ma! No hand!, May God have mercy..., Kneel before your Lord and so on. And now you have and it looks great.

Posted 26 June 2012 at 16:30


Sorry, I usually try to only post on decks when I have something relevant or helpful, but you seem very knowledgable of the game and I would like your opinion on a deck I've been working on for legacy format, which I'm relatively knew to. Thanks

Posted 27 June 2012 at 09:05


What an awesome deck, I'm new to the vault and have been so impressed with the creativity of some of the decks on here. I've been trying to put together an eldrazi deck for casual play, if anyone has a moment I'd really appreciate any advice.


Posted 27 June 2012 at 23:18


dude awesome deck. can you take a look at my deck or any body eals thanks

Posted 05 July 2012 at 02:50


Hi sure, nice with an homage now and then =) My Elves deck is kinda sorta that to DedWards - he's taught me more than most - but anywho, whats your take on my reanimator?

Should I splash for Blue or leave it as it is?

Posted 23 February 2013 at 12:10
