Cry Havoc!

by surewhynot on 09 November 2011

Main Deck (99 cards)

Sideboard (1 card)

Creatures (1)

Submit a list of cards below to bulk import them all into your sideboard. Post one card per line using a format like "4x Birds of Paradise" or "1 Blaze", you can even enter just the card name by itself like "Wrath of God" for single cards.

Deck Description

Never underestimate this freakin beast =]

How to Play

Play Isamaru and beef him up with auras. The main game plan is to win with General Damage. Back this up with tons of classic white weenie tactics. If you can't get Isamaru to do enough damage, then you can simply win by beating the tar out of the opponent the old fashioned way.

Deck Tags

  • EDH
  • Weenie
  • Aggro

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 16,812 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Not Legal in Vintage
  • Not Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Cry Havoc!

wow i love it!!! haha

Posted 10 November 2011 at 19:23


2 serra's sanctums but other than that, i gotta say, i'm impressed.

Posted 12 November 2011 at 00:30


Thanks for pointing that out =]

Posted 12 November 2011 at 00:36


i see no reason why shrine of loyal legions should not be used in every white edh deck. that card is just bonkers. :O

Posted 15 November 2011 at 06:01


Agree 100% man, if you get it out early and it's left unchecked, BOOM! all of a sudden there's like...40 god damn Myr tokens all over the place! Are you gonna use it for your Sensei Golden-Tail EDH? Myr Samurai would be freakin hilarious! XD

Posted 16 November 2011 at 03:12


myr samurai? well now i clearly have no choice, this must be done. :D

Posted 16 November 2011 at 06:07


hey surewhynot, i noticed u have run out of ideas for a while. idk if its been done but how about a new challenge for ya. what about a EDH mono green stompy deck?

this deck looks devastating btw, its one of those decks u just wouldnt see comin ur way till its too late. lol

Posted 14 January 2012 at 03:43


I suppose I could give it a try. And I actually have a bunch of ideas, but I just need to wait for D.A. to release =P

As for this deck, you'd be amazed how many people underestimate (or even laugh) at Isamaru being the general. Sometimes though, simplicity is the best weapon =]

Posted 15 January 2012 at 02:05


lol i thought u wouldnt be able to resist the idea. and from what i have seen so far D.A. will be a very good set. cant wait for it to be out. and yah i can see y it has no effect or advantage at first lol.

Posted 15 January 2012 at 03:41


Oh I definitely like the idea, I just wonder if it's even possible to design something as large as an EDH deck so it operates with the efficiency of a Stompy...

Posted 17 January 2012 at 00:19


well other than typical rhys type builds it can be very tough. if ur interested in some ideas i have one layed out that i think uses the whole stompy spirit.

i think its an interesting challenge to say the least. lol, and good luck with makin one

Posted 17 January 2012 at 00:29


Thank you, surewhynot, for respecting Shakespeare. Marlon Brando is a boss, by the way.

Posted 18 January 2012 at 00:09


Haha, you're very welcome =]

The other day someone pointed at this deck's box (which has the name on it) and said "What's 'Cry Havoc' supposed to mean?". I just shook my head.

Posted 18 January 2012 at 04:47


Also, nice deck. White Weenie + Isamaru => EDH.
By the way, Mikaeus died and became a six-mana Human-hating zombie for Dark Ascension. That set looks fantastic. IMO, Wizards' best work since Ravnica. Reverse Persist (keyword "Undying") is so great. Also, since you did a cool Orzhov spirit deck, you should be happy; there's a new Midnight Haunting, Sorcery speed, with 2 mana black flashback cost.
Sorry to rant about it. I'm kind of in love with Innistrad etc right now. :)

Posted 18 January 2012 at 20:40


Oh I agree completely. I personally thought "Scars" was very halfhearted and lackluster...but the great stories and flavor that oozes from Innistrad has me very happy.

Oh, and so many of the new cards look amazing, including that hasty green two drop with Undying (it's a 2/1 methinks)...can you say Stompy? AND IT'S A SPIRIT! =D

And let's not forget that we now have an Orzhov planeswalker. Orzhov. Planes. F*cking. Walker.

Posted 18 January 2012 at 23:08


Yeah, I love Strangleroot Geist already. He almost doesn't make sense.
You must like him. I'm pretty sure you love Bloodghast, so he's like the green stomping version of that guy. And they're BOTH spirits. Holy sh-t.

Posted 18 January 2012 at 23:16


With Strangleroot and that new treefolk, Filth looks like it's going to get a whole bunch of new toys =]

Posted 19 January 2012 at 01:54


i recommend for mono green stompy EDH use thrun as the general and be verry heavy on the equipment
he will be verry hard for you opponent to deal with and at 4cmc youll be able to get him out very quickly

good good

Posted 20 January 2012 at 07:11


Well if I did make one, it would certainly be Thrun...he's arguably the only one that would qualify. As for doing a voltron style...I don't think that would be too good for Stompy.

Posted 20 January 2012 at 08:15


great deck, looks like a blast to play with. Can't wait to see your other ideas. Wish I had the cash or time to build decks as nice as yours. :D mass props.

Posted 18 January 2012 at 23:05


Im sorry i quit magic for a while and just got back into it but what is the point of this deck?

Posted 23 January 2012 at 08:47


It's a different format called EDH where every deck is 99 cards. Each one being different (aside from basic lands), and each card has to be the color of the card in your sideboard called your "general".

Posted 23 January 2012 at 09:48


Springjack is so broken, like wow... I'd rage quit on the spot! XD

No Whitesun or Baneslayer Angel?

Posted 23 January 2012 at 10:57


Yeah Springjack and Shrine of Loyal Legions are both insane with white EDH.

Posted 23 January 2012 at 18:02


I would pull CRUSADE since it buffs ALL white creatures.

Posted 24 January 2012 at 23:07


Surewhynot, I know your really busy and have a very long list of decks to look at but if you get a spare sec could you look at my equipment deck. I'm trying to tweak it so that it runs a bit smoother and with drawing sample hands it doesn't seem to be running that well.

any thoughts and suggestions would be most welcome.

Posted 26 January 2012 at 19:09


I made an Isamaru EDH once (and posted), and everyone downed it, saying that he was the worst possible general ever.

Yours is good though, nice job.

Posted 30 January 2012 at 01:00


Phage, the Untouchable is actually the worst general ever =P

Shame that happened man, Isamaru is far from bad...he's great!

Posted 30 January 2012 at 02:42


Or perhaps Norin the Wary is the worst general ever . . .

Posted 30 January 2012 at 14:02


Nah, you can do some funny shenanigans with you can cast him without losing =P

Posted 30 January 2012 at 18:01


Right you are. The main point, however, is that Isamaru is a pro general.

Posted 30 January 2012 at 22:41


Hey surewhynot, whenever you get some time, could I get your professional opinion on if this combo works or not? Thanks.

Posted 05 February 2012 at 02:58


surewhynot, or anybody really, if you have the time, could you maybe look at my Sliver EDH deck that I made? I want to make sure that it's at its most possible best, and I can't really do that since no one ever even looks at my stuff. So, I would really appreciate it if you, or anyone, would take the time to look over my stuff. Thanks.
Deck link:

Posted 05 February 2012 at 14:10


DKA update?

Posted 25 February 2012 at 00:59


Hey, I know this is super necro, and I apologize in advance.
I was just wondering if you had ever made any updates to the deck with release of subsequent sets....
I always enjoyed this deck concept and am thinking of throwing something like it together IRL.
Just wanted a take/ some input from its progenitor.

Posted 05 December 2014 at 18:57


I *DO* keep my EDH decks updated with new cards from new sets. Unfortunately, this one has been put on the back burner for a while. I think the most recent edit I did to it was for Innistrad. There's certainly some great cards in sets like Ravnica 2.0 and Theros that would fit very nicely in here, so I'm going to have to do some big edits to this soon.

Sorry it's not already updated, but thanks for the reminder I guess =P

Posted 06 December 2014 at 23:47


Hey man, thanks for the reply.
I didn't mean to throw any work at you, but I had to ask. I have a couple of ideas but my natural inclinations pull me toward a equipment voltron build, which is a different animal from what you have here.
I guess what i find most surprising is the lack of things like Academy Rector, Replenish, Enlightened Tutor, Idyllic Tutor, etc. And the lack of Board Wipes.
Correct me if I am wrong, but aside from "army in a can" cards, our main game plan is to play out 2-3 dudes (namely Isamaru), enchant 'em, and beat face. Or am I not reading the token generation sub-theme strongly enough?
I just feel that there should be some sort of mass removal, whether it be Austere Command, Winds of Rath (C'MON!), or something else.
Also, I know it's a dick move, but do you think the Armageddon-Route-Crucible-Strip Mine-Wasteland etc package has a place here? Personally I would love to see it.

Sorry for the wall.
Thanks :)

Posted 16 December 2014 at 15:33


Yeah, this thing has needed a big edit for a long time. It's only gotten partial edits here and there, but none of the real love that it needs. Like you said it's missing obvious choices like Rector and the like. It's always done well enough without them, which I think is why I've never gotten around to fixing it up. You're more inclined to update something when the changes needed are obvious.

A lot of Isamaru designs use the classic Voltron scheme (i.e., equipment) to the point that Isamaru is sometimes called "Sword Pup". I didn't want to got with conventional ways, so I designed it to be more of an Aura-Voltron. It works great though.

You got the deck's idea exactly right. Army of tokens with intermingled big smashy face dudes. It's a strategy I've always enjoyed with these voltron-like designs. Having the army of tokens alongside the big dudes relieves some of the pressure from your opponent chump blocking you all day.

I'm very particular about board wipe in EDH. It can rob the fun from an otherwise great game and it can also backfire and make you a huge target. That said, the two you mentioned might not be bad ideas...

It *IS* a dick move, and personally I wouldn't do it, but that's not to say it can't work in here. This deck runs so many low-end threats that being starved for mana doesn't effect it as much. An armageddon wouldn't hurt as much.

Posted 18 December 2014 at 00:25


The unique feeling of the aura-tron build is what attracted me originally. (massive thumbs up)
I've been trying to mess the list a bit here and there, but i keep on massively skewing the curve. The only things i would concrete change would be rector for ajani, Spear of heliod for Glorious Anthem, and high ground for brave the sands. everything else just has so much synergy.
Here's a short list of things I'm trying to work in:

Brimaz, King of Oreskos
Heliod, God of the Sun (I poop enchantment tokens!)
Eldrazi Conscription
Archetype of Courage
Eidolon of Countless Battles
Rootborn Defense
Sphere of Safety
Wake the Reflections
Suspension Field
Abzan Falconer
Herald of Anafenza
Wingmate Roc
Ainok Bond-Kin
Abzan Battle Priest
Crucible of Worlds
Dust Bowl
Flagstones of Trokir

The last three are a bit of a LD engine that isn't going to come out enough to really annoy people, but when it does it's freaking beautiful.

(And just as a note, my regular group at the shop is all about what works. The only thing anyone really gets annoyed with is infinite combos... )

What are your thoughts?

Posted 20 December 2014 at 08:11


Also: Three Dreams, and Nomad Mythmaker.
Sorry I'm so all over the place.

Posted 20 December 2014 at 16:16

Well, this is where I am at.

Posted 26 December 2014 at 09:25
