But for 1 red it does give trample, which might be helpfulAnd it costs 1 less than Skills
Love the name
Damn fast, and not bad at all
I recommend Searing Spear instead of Open Fire because it does the exact same thing for one less mana, and it is dirt cheap
Umm did you delete it? Because it won’t show anything when I go to the page.
It doesn’t take all the +1/+1 counters from my Hydras as they die and move them onto other living hydras, which is what Bioshift is supposed to do in this deck
I couldn’t have done any better, to be honest. Most good Rakdos-colored cards are uncommon or above. Good job.
Why not? It’s accidental, and doesn’t really matter, people still consider it a mono green deck even with bioshift
And I’m not getting rid of Deviant Glee; it gives my stuff Trample and only costs 1 mana plus 1 for trample
Well, but would we really want to give our stuff Wither? That isn’t really what this deck was designed to do, and Madcap Skills gives 3 power, whereas Fists gives power and toughness, but less of each, and since this is an attacker deck, I’m thinking about staying with Skills
I love Mana Vault. I dunno, just something about it seems really cool.
Such as?
So what should I replace all of this with?
Such as what? I’m open to any suggestions.
I also made a modern budget Rakdos deck, but it costs about a quarter what this one costs, and it would be at least as competitive. Check it out. The suggestions are all there. https://www.mtgvault.com/supermegapanda/decks/30-rakdos-unleash-modern/
Does that work?
The only issue is the price. Otherwise, I would build this deck in real life!
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