
5 Decks, 11 Comments, 2 Reputation

Just because it's a sliver deck doesn't mean you don't need removal. I 4-0 twice at FNM with my build and it worked in so many situations. I play 4 descendant path and 4 mutavaults though, which go together really well. Battle sliver and siphon sliver are horrible, I know you want more slivers but some are just bad. Lifelink in an aggro deck and 5 mana use on NOT a thorncaster is awful. Play 2 mizzium mortars and 3 Boris charm main deck. They are so versatile and overloading mizzium is no problem. Play 4 blur, 4 gale, 2 striking. And you can literally combo drop creatures with haste / mana ramp.

ALso the worst card in my deck were door of destinies. I sided it out in al,ost every matchup. Same with hive stirrings. They SEEM good, but you need perfect board pressence to utilize both of them. Especially wasting a turn to not really do anything with door. Sure it can win you again, if they don't have chum blockers, but if they don't have any anyway, then you would wm without it.

Just play 4 megantic over progenitors. You want to copy a megantic almost every time. Might as well play 4 megantic. Plus, if you have a megantic on the board and play another, you should have won by then lol.

Posted 03 August 2013 at 21:23 as a comment on The Hive Awakens


Thanks for the suggestions. I love LOVE LOVE cloudshift, but even though they go well with thrag and huntmaster, I prefer my removal over them.

So far I think centaur healers and removal in form of burns (pillars and spears) are what I have in my side deck. I do have oblivion rings too just in case. Not too sure.

If anyone knows a good way to transform it into a Mid range jund deck with side board, I would love to see that :)

Posted 16 November 2012 at 04:57 in reply to #304288 on FNM 4c rites (sideboard help)


Love this deck. Too bad I don't have $150 sitting around for those Olivias and Aristacrats. I would love to see you make a 4 colored jund / rites deck, one that stops early aggro, not just any run of the mill deck, but a PoetMaster deck :P.

If you could look at my Jund/rites deck and see what you would change, that would be awesome

Posted 09 November 2012 at 01:46 as a comment on Olivia Huntmaster


9 three drops. Id say take out the centaur healers and put in the thragtusks. Too many conflicting casts. You want to aggro with manglers or stall with centaur. Then you have an okremoval where it could take the place of huntmaster cast. Id say run 1 sever (depending on your FNM) and run dreadbores and abrupts

Posted 08 November 2012 at 21:27 as a comment on Jundaya Midrange


Id say 4 cloudshift and for fun a soul of the harvest. 7 mana dorks for a deck that mainly plays on opponent's turn i think is too weak. Maybe take out 4 dorks and put 2 more cloudshift and 2 soul of the harvest.

If you added blue, you have options to mist raven and lyev skyknight which i personally found to be the best. I got top 4 with a slapped together cloudshift deck and loved it. Very controlled based.

Posted 08 November 2012 at 21:23 as a comment on Champion of Junk (standard)


I tried playtesting this against my jund deck and i really dislike the ro (as you previously said). In both games, if that roc was a silverblade paladin it would have made the phantasm swing for 10.

I recommend putting in 2-3 silverblade paladins and remove 1 fencing ace. Just an extra card to consider

Posted 08 November 2012 at 20:52 as a comment on Bant Aggro


It isn't done, like some feedback. Seems fun and in theory would work but it never goes as planned.

Posted 29 October 2012 at 14:35 as a comment on U/G/B/W 4 color rites


It isn't done, like some feedback. Seems fun and in theory would work but it never goes as planned.

Posted 29 October 2012 at 13:21 as a comment on U/G/B/W 4 color rites


Well I got into top 8, but lost to zombies. Not going for fast aggro, this was the deck list that I used to get into that top 8. It stalled out so i lost.

I don't mind taking out the Jace, I felt that I played it cause it was expensive and was lucky enough to pull 2.

Not a fan of hunters, but currently I have 3 Detention Orbs.

As for land, I play with what I have. To get hinterlands, it will cost $35 for them besides the cost of 3 more Hallowed fountains and 2 temple gardens. I like having around 24-25 lands cause where I play, everyone has burns for pilgrims and such, that's why i play 4 farseek as my accelerator, but taking them out. Going to try 2 pilgrims

I like the Armada Wurm switch, I'll try that. As for dropping Serenity, she saved me so many times that I have to keep her.

What do you think of Augur of Bolas? I've added in 2 syncopates as well for more control.

Posted 24 October 2012 at 09:11 in reply to #298950 on B/G/U Control
