Glimpse the Unthinkable... Amazing card and it fits your deck strategy... Check it out.
Good work in progress... Rend Flesh is a great creature killer.
Really awesome deck, really dreative idea. On the other hand, just a thought... If someone knows what they're doing they could really make you pay for drawing that many cards... For instance, Underworld Dreams would absolutely destroy this deck... But all and all solid contructs. Well done.
This looks good, it's well thought up. However, I would worry about a blue control deck though, if your spells are countered early and you're forced in to a late game things may not end up so well.
Haha yeah, that would be a disaster... I suppose thats true for all themed decks though.
Yeah I can can see where you are going with that, but... Single color decks require far less mana... lower toughness= less mana for casting, incandescent boosts elementals, blaze targets player, while paralectric feedback makes them pay for playing any creatures that may be stronger than your own. If played right you have the game in five turns... give or take.
Yeah relentless rats would be a great addition. I would also throw in some swarmyards in replace of a few of those swamps.