guys are missing the whole point of the deck which is AGGRO suicide. Feast of Blood is not terrible in a deck with 26 creatures and it can kill any creature including black, unlike doom blade...on top of 4 life gain. Disfigure is better than Urge to Feed in aggro since all your creatures will be tapped out. Mire's toll is actually the most terrible discard out in standard, especially in an aggro deck. It's useless on turn 1. The ascensions are in the deck because they rock against Jund and any cascade decks, which vampires are weak against. Quag vampires? really? If i take out all the one drops I would have to change the whole deck entirely. You guys need to play more FNM...
Great deck since its really similar to mine : ). I would take out the mind rots for mind sludge since its just a better overall card. Turn 5 mind sludge is almost always a game winner. I think your deck isn't aggro enough to make full use out of duress and on top of that, you should know what decks you're playing against by the lands they play early game. In my deck I have two more creature removal in place of a grim discovery and discard spell. I like your choice with the grim discoveries though...they really carry the deck late game. I would take out one or two lands and replace with some other cards but thats just my taste on the curve because i see grim discovery as part of my land base.
I have a long list of "constructive criticism" so here it goes... definately take out the vampire's bite and replace with disfigures. The feast of bloods should be replaced with Tendrils of Corruption. Believe it or not, having the two vamps out to play feast of blood can be hard in competitive play. The blood seekers are horrible and should be replaced with the bloodghasts. Diabolic Tutor should be replaced with Sign in Blood, which is really good for vamp decks. Keep the mind sludge in your deck. I would put one or two more in the deck. Take out the crypts and just replace them with swamps. Since you're running fetch lands you should put two grim discoveries in your deck as well to carry you later in the game. Once you get your nocturnus you should take out the sacrament, blood tribute, and planeswalkers. Yes, planeswalkers are good, but nocturnus is just a better card for vamps. As for the enchantments they are not that strong in vamp decks as of yet, but with worldwake coming out who knows. imo i would take them out for some of the cards i listed before.