ppl get pissed when i do that lol
hit follow next to my name
mines still better :-P
you dont need dark rits with crypt gast. 2 gasts +5 mana = 15 mana
oversold cemetary check it out might fit or change up some land and put in rooftop storm
very nice concept sir
Doran, the Siege Tower but its black
Nice deck i have one similar to it. except i had to take equsite blood out of it so my friends would play with me lol. but i do have sanguiene blood in it. http://www.mtgvault.com/streetlegalcars/decks/screw-your-life-gain-sir/
i dont play tourneys, just with friends. we make stupid decks lol
http://www.mtgvault.com/streetlegalcars/decks/light-yo-ass-on-fire/ nice deck i like the concept. comment on mine plz.
http://www.mtgvault.com/streetlegalcars/decks/light-yo-ass-on-fire/nice deck one cost poke or hase but i think if you make the deck smaller it would be better.
take a look at my black decks they win alot. also take note on how they are formatted. 2 or 4 cards each
you based all your vampires off of each other and going to the graveyard but should be pulled out when that plans walker is out. Sanguine Bond, Exquisite Blood, Blood Tribute, Grave Pact, Crypt Ghast are all cards you need to look at for this deck. mabe mono black?? and mabe even out the x3 x1 cards it makes the odds work in your favor if you work with just evens or just odds
you need to check out my deck. its called "screw your life gain sir"
eh not so impressed more pokeys you have a lot of mana
Take a few of your cards that you have 3 of out and add in x2 blood tribute, x2 Temporal Extortion, and mabe think about crypt ghast!!?? i like it its good. btw i remade it and i might try to run it myself take a look and like it for me "Vampire Buff Deck"
put mycolth in here
get rid of the compass and put a few stompies in it. you have lots of land production.
like my shit bioch Just for the hell of it because you will burn through cards fast in this deck you should put copy in it also x2
take a look at crypt gast its way more powerfull everything i have is fairly cheap. its a good thought if i decide to take somthing out
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