
35 Decks, 491 Comments, 13 Reputation

I smell somethin' burning... that's cuz' this would be a nasty burn deck. I like the Seething Song's you have in there; so maybe try & find more Red spells that have "Pay X" to deal more damage to utilize them. But your lands are well refined for this one & a nice splash of creeps to cover a wide-range of threats. All the Haste in this deck would be nice for speed as well. I'd be a little nervous playin' against this one honestly. Your mana curve has alot of nice, low cast cards & you have a couple nice mid-to-higher range cards to drive the point on home. Well done on this deck's construction. 9.5 Stars

Posted 01 September 2010 at 18:41 as a comment on The Red Deck


Thanks guys for all the comments. I appreciate it. And B, I'll check those cards out man, see what I can't come up with. I've been away all weekend on business, but I thought of a nice deck to try & come up with later. But I need to get busy commenting/reviewing/rating a couple guy's decks that asked me to. Later peepz.

Posted 31 August 2010 at 18:52 as a comment on The Reaper's Toy


Thanks boss. You'd like playin' w/ this one in person. It's very nasty. ;P

Posted 31 August 2010 at 18:49 in reply to #84205 on Exodus


Yeah, I've been really busy. I've been meaning to go over all of his decks; but I'm gettin' ready to go out for the weekend in about 50 minutes. Soon as I get sometime I'll see what you both have & review/rate 'em, btw, thanks boss!

Posted 27 August 2010 at 06:11 in reply to #83470 on Hellion-Triskelion



Posted 27 August 2010 at 06:07 in reply to #83450 on The Reaper's Toy


I really like this one boss. Nice deck construction & a tasty little combination ya' got goin' on there. Mad props for all black as well. I give ya' 8.6 Stars boss!

Posted 25 August 2010 at 13:32 as a comment on I've got Walls of Steel( infinate mana win)


Yeah, that's kinda' the same deck idea as my buddy drumhead21 @ here:

Posted 25 August 2010 at 13:27 as a comment on Vampire's Dark Depths


Nice work, only thing I can think of would be adding Diabolic Tutor to bring out Darksteel Forge. Other than that, this looks fun & annoying. Goodjob boss, 8.6 Stars!

Posted 23 August 2010 at 09:53 as a comment on I WUB Artifacts


Oh man.... Throw in Doubling Season used w/ Wild Pair & both Grave Titans. If you had 2x Doubling Season out, used Wild Pair & pulled 2x Grave Titans out, that would be 16, 2/2 Zombie Creatures on one turn! Nice work, but think about what I just said. ;P 8.3 Stars boss, I might re-rate ya' if you throw that in.

Posted 22 August 2010 at 14:59 as a comment on Titans From Above


Wow, that is a nice ramp on mana. Only card here to suggest would be that one... Furnace of Rath, I think it's called. That'd be interesting if ya' threw in some more burn. But another nice one boss. 8.7 Stars!

Posted 22 August 2010 at 14:55 as a comment on iRamp Mana


Very nice construction; however again, the only thing I'd recommend to pull out your big guy would be Deathrender, maybe some Lightning Greaves to really drive the point on home w/ Beastmaster. Nice work boss, 9.6 stars!

Posted 22 August 2010 at 14:53 as a comment on //Saprolings R Us//


lol, love the scrip about this one. I'd like to see how this one would work together, Noggin Whack, Morsel Theft & Bitterblossom, rare to see these really used in a Black deck anymore. I'm givin' ya' 8 stars for this one boss, just because I'd rather see this one played out & I'm sure it's a killer deck. Goodjob.

Posted 22 August 2010 at 14:52 as a comment on iRougue


Oh wow, Dolmen Gate w/ these kinda' creeps? Talk about nasty. That'd be a fun deck to play I bet. Another fine piece, well constructed as well. 8.8 stars boss!

Posted 22 August 2010 at 14:50 as a comment on iExalted


For Doran: I can shuffle a deck size of about 120-140+ like a standard deck of playing cards, just like a poker dealer. But for the most part, yeah; I do have a specific technique. I do the side-drop & mix shuffle 3 times between each standard shuffle. So I shuffle the cards like a regular deck of cards, then grab the sides & pull the bottom & let the top cards slide down & drop onto the top in increments, over & over, then take the last few cards left, split the deck open & drop 'em in te middle. I do this 3 times inbetween each standard shuffle. So I end up shuffling a deck of cards before I play a minimum of 12 times. And when I get done building a deck, I count out stacks of 5 & then randomly drop the lands onto the piles, then randomly gather & stack the piles so land isn't really stuck together to begin with.

For Drake: Probably about half an hour to a full hour commenting & making decks. Only surf for cards & research about 2-3 days a week for about 20 minutes each time; but think about it quite a bit. Easy to do when you're ontop of everything you're involved in life & just know how to manage time & effort. I'm a C/O & when you're done dealin' w/ 1,500 screamin' inmates or get a break, it's nice to have something to keep your mind going. Also teach self-defense, build computers & involved in a local Wiccan group ontop of being engaged in a full relationship. I put alot of time & effort into commenting and/or tryin' to help other players w/ their decks because, again, it's somethin' to keep my mind goin' & I get to help the community out just as people have spent time commenting on mine. Alot of people don't put an effort into reviewing other people's decks, their entire mentality is, "I'll just let the next guy do it" well guess what? You are the other guy. That's all. ;P

Posted 22 August 2010 at 14:47 in reply to #81960 on Dreams of Decay


Very nice work here, only thing I'd suggest would be a Deathrender or two to help bring out some creeps. Other than that, very nice work here man. I give ya 8.6 Stars for this one boss.

Posted 22 August 2010 at 14:37 as a comment on iDark Tutelage


Yeah, I really like this deck as well. This is a nice one man, nice mix of spells plus Liliana's Specter is always a staple. Goodwork boss, I give ya' 9 Stars on this guy!

Posted 22 August 2010 at 14:35 as a comment on No You Dont!


I really like this deck. It's sick & a sTr8 forward dash, headlong as The Way was intended. Very nice mix of cards & alot of tasty equipment. This Samurai deck owns! 9.5 Stars!

Posted 22 August 2010 at 14:32 as a comment on Heart of Budo


If I had that card I probably would. But no, you have to understand something. For the most part, most people are mindless sheep. They believe just because most people say, "omfg it's not 60, it sucks, it's too slow, omg" that the only way to have a good deck is 60 cards.

There are several benefits to having a larger deck, like this one @ 80, as well as cons, but the same goes for a 60 card deck as well. With a larger deck if you're playing a mill/discard deck, you have a better chance at surviving. You also have a larger chance for surprise to an opponent. But if you throw in several cards that pretty much do the same thing or work in the same way, then it doesn't matter what you pull. Notice in this deck they're all pretty much gonna' F ya' w/ discard. And there is mostly atleast 2 & sometimes 4 of a few different cards.

With a 60 card deck, yes, it's true that you can burn through how many cards you have quicker to get to everthing you've put in it quicker. But that's a dangerous thing, because you're running out of your deck quicker. That & if you don't have a sideboard, it's much easier for me to "count-cards" in a way & remember what kind of cards you have in your deck for the second match. So I'd be better able to save my spells & instants to deal with specific cards I know you have. If I have a larger deck, chances are you're probably not going to see or remember as much that's in my deck & have a harder time struggling to keep up w/ that advantage that I would then have in knowing what the lesser deck has.

If you balance your lands & pretty much keep a generalization of cards & effects, while keepin' them different you can really have a huge advantage over someone because it keeps them guessing while still going for the same goal. I usually play a standard of 80 cards personally. Alot of personal decks that I have are 80, but I do have a handful that are 60. After all the time I've played games, the bigger decks tend to perform better, atleast for me, than the smaller card decks.

Give it a try! You might like payin' 80 w/ 25-28 lands for example & see how fun it is. And lastly, I'll tell you why it's better to have a bigger deck in my opinion. You know all those times you sit there lookin' at your cards & say to yourself, "well f*ck, which ones should I take out to make it 60", guess what? You get to keep those better cards that you don't really wanna' take out which helps add to a specific combo that you were goin' for. So give it a try. ;P

Posted 21 August 2010 at 13:24 in reply to #81960 on Dreams of Decay



Posted 20 August 2010 at 20:05 in reply to #81706 on Multiplayer R&B


Yeah I see what ya' mean. Nice deck anyways man.

Posted 20 August 2010 at 09:14 in reply to #81516 on Sorin's Control


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