
11 Decks, 31 Comments, 3 Reputation

I would recommend getting more things that benefit from your Parallel Lives. Wurmcoil is a great card and when you get it out, getting those four nice tokens (in addition to those two more you do with your Beast Within) will grant you some happy good times. The danger is that your early game is incredibly slow and it's going to give them an incredibly large headstart which will mean that Geist ain't going to stick around too long once he's in play. Focus on some early token production. Elves have some great ways to pump out chump-blockers and pokers. That way, you can focus on your late game without interruption!

Posted 28 October 2011 at 20:09 as a comment on Bant Tokens


The reasoning behind mox opals is that it serves as an incredibly powerful mana accelerant. Think about it, if he had plains in there, he'd have a standard mana ramp-up: 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. But, because Mox Opals don't take up the time on the ramp, it's that plus the instant opal. Let's say he got three on the first turn, plus a land. That's first turn four mana. That's a gamechanging amount of power instantly, let alone adding to any metalworking required.

Posted 28 October 2011 at 19:55 in reply to #99058 on Shimmer


Incredibly solid deck. The only thing I'd worry about is that if someone has Nihil Spellbombs, you're pretty much out of the game. I would recommend putting in some sort of counter for it's activated ability or simpy to block it from the field altogether.

Posted 26 October 2011 at 20:29 as a comment on House of the Dead


More Wheels of Fortune :D

Posted 25 October 2011 at 23:45 as a comment on 10K Burn


You beat me by a hair on the Diabolic Tutor. Although, I disagree with the third Myr Superion. It's dangerous since if you don't have a HS, it's a dead draw. Considering how likely your opponent is to focus fire HS, I wouldn't want to have all four in a deck. Three will generally do.

Posted 25 October 2011 at 23:22 in reply to #209770 on my heartless deck. needs help


You have a whole bunch of mana acceleration which, normally, I would never object to. But it seems self defeating in a deck whose main point is to circumvent mana payments. Instead, I would get some shock lands and use those for whatever you need. Green Sun's Zenith feels inferior to a Diabolic Tutor, which would be able to bring out a new Heartless, should yours get countered or leave play too quickly. Otherwise, great card draw, solid control with the Perilous/Glissa combo, and all in all, not too shabby.

Posted 25 October 2011 at 23:21 as a comment on my heartless deck. needs help


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