there is spreading seas and treasure hunt, but those are the only ones off the top of my head
this deck looks great, i am not sure if i like the oracles in there. i would add a draw card that costs 1 or 2, so you can get what you need faster so you can win on turn 4
yah, i would play those too. they cost 2, so you can play it before you play your combo pieces
wow, a game-winning combo deck for standard??? I have got to give this one a try.
i can see that, but is it really needed. why don't you just play 3 go for the throat???
what about trying some evolving wilds for more fetch lands?
i don't think they are needed. maybe side against control, but i think your bombs are hero of bladehold and whatever creature you put an equipment on.
try -1 bonehoard -2 sun titan +3 honor of the pure Linvala is right. 4 isn't needed because of so many equipments.
yah, i love this deck, the test hands are really good
I like the idea of sphere, it would speed it up and fix mana. how is that ever bad? -1 inquisition -1 pyroclasm +2 sphere
yay, go team infect. very nice design TurZ. goowork
nice, your just trying to show off now aren't you???
he is only playing 1, and has 4 stoneforge. you just go get it when you need it. what would you play over it???
looks really cool. i like how you are playing conditional cards mainboard, but then more side. so you would side out the cards that don't apply, and side in the ones that do. if that makes sense
looks like it could be competitive and cheap (like rdw should be)
i like it alot, the squadron hawks really raise consistency. and spiritdancer with a hyena umbra is really good. it gets plus 3 plus 3, first strike, and you draw a card??? soo good
seems like alot of fun. the fact that akroma has haste makes her a beast of a general. and pro black and red. Whe is like a Baneslayer on steroids.
this is so cool, i always wanted to see a good kor deck
I like the idea, my friend plays U/B control and I think think this would be funny to play against him. he would get so mad. you just ramp to all that land destruction and shut them down. hilarious
this is so cool. attacking with 4 hero of bladehold makes 8 tokens and they all get +4/+4 and heros get +3/+3. so that is 40 damage total. that is scary.
21-40 of 47 items