Thanks for the comments guys. I appreciate the encouragement. I just edited this deck today removing ×3 ghastlord of the fugue and time warps for a few lower cost spells that i feel fit the theme better and ad some diversity. This deck is made of cards I had laying around. As for removal I tend to just play my own game and ignore the opponent other then attacking with creatures that make them discard and not worrying about being blocked either because it is is pay 1 regenerate, unblockable or its "nemesis of reason".First few turns are usually just mill spells. You may be surprised by how well this works but my casual setting is also different then any other. Cheers friends. Currently working on my own merfolk deck
I have a lovecraftian theme deck i recently uploaded too! Nice deck bro! Cthuluh ftaghn
very cool man. thumbs up
awesome, have u thought about adding dorathy? maybe as a
nice! i love scarecrows. have u thought of adding any proliferate cards?
pentarch paladin?
darkest hour + teysa is pretty sick, nice build.
nice job dude!
very cool man
love it man..
wow i really like this lol.i;dlike to do something like it with a parallel lives,or splash some white, thx for the inspiration!!! :D
i like the name, lol. and the concept.
very cool but a bit pricey for me, lol
very nice
the archdemon isnt so bad, im a fan of gravepact XD
AWESOME DECK!!! keep the crusaders...
check it out, i have mono black vampires and mono red dragons. maybe some ideas for you! ^_^ the va,pires play very well but i havnt had time to play the dragons much yet :/
nice dude, check my vamps out :)
cool deck dude ^_^ check out my crap :o
no butcher of malakir? lol. nice deck though ^_^
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