
7 Decks, 13 Comments, 4 Reputation

Here is the link to my turbo miracle deck hopefully this will help. I have won my local fnm with this deck a few times playing this deck.

Posted 31 January 2013 at 17:50 as a comment on Miracle Fog


Sideboard suggestions

I would play nevermore to name cards such as sphinx's revalation and supreme virdect.

You really need a way to deal with blind obediance this card is real problem for the fast aggro decks an idean may be ray of revlation is a choice ( I know you cant flash it back but it is at instant speed)

I would run skullcrack as well this will help against the bant and naya deck running thragtusk as well as centaur healer.

I agree with Thalia in the sideboard if you expect your meta to see alot of control decks and if that is so i would probably run 3.

I also see you are running sweepers main deck such as bonfire and mizzium mortars. I think these cards are too mana intesive and should not be played main deck as you are the aggressor you want to be pressuring them not holding back and wiping there board. I would swap these out for searing spear and pillar of flames( granted pillar will be a meta game decision based on how big undying and zombies are) I think these cards will put more pressure on your oppenet by be able to remove creatures and push and damage and any control players you play you will be able to finish them off.

This is my opinion and some people may disagree with it but i have had more success playing aggreasive decks this way.

Good luck with your deck

Posted 31 January 2013 at 17:46 as a comment on Standard Batallion (RW)


I like the deck the only thing i would change is play more wraths . Splash overgrown tomb for two nephalia drownyard. The deck looks good

Posted 29 January 2013 at 00:13 as a comment on Zegana Control


bloodbraid was banned in modern as of feb 1 announced last night

Posted 28 January 2013 at 13:28 as a comment on Modern Valakut Ramp


its turbo fog you use fog effects and draw cards and then u cast a entreat the angels and win and you could mill them out as well. Its a grindy deck. If you want to win quickly its not for you

Posted 20 January 2013 at 20:26 as a comment on Turbo Mircales (standard)


Entreat The Angels, Sigarda, Nephalia Drownyard are the win conditions

Posted 20 January 2013 at 20:17 in reply to #317628 on Turbo Mircales (standard)


The deck is alot of fun. Even though your oppent may get a lil pissed off.

Posted 19 January 2013 at 22:08 as a comment on NO U/R (Standard)


Exactly that.

Posted 19 January 2013 at 21:47 in reply to #317437 on NO U/R (Standard)


You have 6 Oring effects in the deck so losing control would be possible but you should be able to keep everything under control

Posted 03 January 2013 at 19:48 as a comment on You're detained!


This is how I would build a detained deck matter in fact i think i will play it at FNM this week.

Posted 03 January 2013 at 17:15 as a comment on You're detained!


I really like detain. I think it is under played. I agree on Tablet of the guilds. It needs to be dropped. I also think the Dramatic Rescue needs to be cut as well. Maybe even the Azourius Justiciar (I havent tested this deck but it seems like you could be doing more with four mana). I would play 4 Cloud Shift, 4 Azorius Charm, and 4 Inaction Injunction. I look at this as a tempo based deck so i want as much cheap quick board disruption as possible. So may play Unsummon, and i really like Snapcaster Mage in this deck. I think with how much detain and cheap board disruption cards there are you should be able to fully abuse snapcaster.

Posted 03 January 2013 at 14:27 as a comment on You're detained!
