maybe you could fit zameck guildmage in here too? he's a pretty swell elf :D
cool idea. but call to serve enchants nonblack creatures... and since most of yr creatures are black, you might wanna find something else :)
Thragtusk combos well with Restoration Angel. and if you have Trostani in play, using Resto to flicker Armada Wurm can be fun as well :)
haha even i tried my hand with spirits (but didn't post it) - isn't halloween coming up? ;)
Hey, really cool deck. I love decks with super low mana curves! One change I'd make if the budget allows is adding vexing devil instead of Niv elemental - he seems a bit counterproductive since you have to exile your own spells, n doesn't benefit the pike-carrier. For more fun, try throwing in 2-3x fling, an unblockable heavy hitter attacks, then gets flung - epic :P
dude, that's really nasty. why would you poop on my poop? :(