
10 Decks, 18 Comments, 1 Reputation

There are plenty of creatureless mill decks that get there, just because you always beat your friend doesn't mean its not possible he probably just didn't have the right build or wasn't siding properly or your particular deck may have just been strong against him no one deck is gonna have great matchups against everything, except maybe cawblade lol.

Posted 03 June 2012 at 20:40 in reply to #261341 on Creatureless Mill


Id try dropping 2 islands and a curse you have enough draw/filter that land dropping every turn still shouldn't be a problem. Also have you ever heard of turbofog decks they essentially win through draw/mill and then fog effects to survive. Generally your gonna be splashing w/g or both for the protect effects ie orims chant/constant mists. That aside some other suggestions for your current build would be howling mine or font of mythos.
Is there any particular format you're trying to play extended, modern, legacy?

Posted 03 June 2012 at 20:35 in reply to #261248 on Creatureless Mill


Id swap 4 looters for 4 strangleroot geists or at least 2 to help give you earl game pressureuntil you can get splinter and treeonline. Doing that id also move the gnaw to sb and drop the dream twists and either a mulch or trackers intinct whichever you like less for 2 gsz and 2 garruk, relentless. Farmigomikacs was right he has a lot of nice synergies with your deck he gives you some removal and his ultimate is a huge threat in your build.

Posted 03 June 2012 at 18:15 as a comment on Splintertree


Hmm didnt read all the comments hope this wasnt posted but id probly drop the 2 reforge the soul for a zealous conscripts and a riders of gavony both are just generally really powerful with like 80% of the meta.

Posted 03 June 2012 at 04:20 as a comment on Armies of Goldnight (Standard)


Others have mentioned above but hedron crab would be good in this deck also the ghost quarters in fitting with your deck thining you could either ghost quarter opposing problematic lands or yourself to fetch islands also triggering the hedron crab. I also agree increasing confusion would be powerfull in here as well as blue suns zenith to fit with your draw mil plan.

Posted 03 June 2012 at 03:21 as a comment on Creatureless Mill


Oh I'd drop the 2 might of masses in sb too to get it to 15 I'm sure it makes for explosive wins out of nowhere sometimes, but the creatures become susceptible to removal like you might win one game with it but next round good players will hold instants to counter that sort of thing, and then if not sometimes it's probably deadweight in your hand because it's just a more win card.

Posted 22 September 2011 at 07:09 as a comment on Eldrazi - Strength in Numbers


On a budget i would +2 cloudpost +2 eye of ugin +4 eldrazi temple - all urzas land and then i would -2 artisan of kozelik -1 ulamog's crusher -2 might of the masses and +4 sylvan scrying if you're trying to keep it extended legal use expedition map instead. This gets the deck to 60 cards so it should play even tighter it gives a good balance of creature/spell and the ramp should help speed it up and make it more consistent . If you ever splurge some $ for the deck vesuvas make pretty much any variation of this deck degenerate and then others stated above 1 of each kozilek and ulamog woud be good for pretty much any other 2 eldrazi. This is all just imho so i hope it helps but i like it.

Posted 22 September 2011 at 07:02 as a comment on Eldrazi - Strength in Numbers


I get what you're going for have you ever played this against a quick vamp deck or a white weenie, seems a little slow to effectively work in tournies. You're mid game, end game has potential to steamroll stuff but even then a good UB or UW seems like it would give you trouble with this build.

Posted 12 December 2010 at 01:44 as a comment on Valakut/Titan Ramp


One other question I had kicking around, what about genesis wave, not sure what it would replace, but the way I see it, while not as effective as summoning trap for casting the big guns early it can be played to launch your elfs into play, if it happens to overturn one the eldrazi it just recycles everything, also allowing you to get anything removed and or countered in the process put back in to be played again?

Posted 07 December 2010 at 02:13 as a comment on Elfdrazi Trap


So I had a couple questions about the deck Lucian instead of 4 Llanowar elfs and 4 Arbor Elfs why not do 3 and 3 and put 2 Joraga Treespeakers in only so that in late game you can get them to make 2 vs 1 mana. I ask because you've obviously play tested this. Also what about Overwhelming Stampedes instead of Garruks? I assume you're really only using Garruk for the 3/3 trample so why not swap and have an explosive bang? Lastly for the sideboard why not do Naturalize instead of Nature's Claim, why give them the 4 health? And Instead of Plummets why not Gravity Wells?

Posted 07 December 2010 at 01:59 as a comment on Elfdrazi Trap


Don't know why that double posted sorry

Posted 07 December 2010 at 01:58 as a comment on Elfdrazi Trap


So I had a couple questions about the deck Lucian instead of 4 Llanowar elfs and 4 Arbor Elfs why not do 3 and 3 and put 2 Joraga Treespeakers in only so that in late game you can get them to make 2 vs 1 mana. I ask because you've obviously play tested this. Also what about Overwhelming Stampedes instead of Garruks? I assume you're really only using Garruk for the 3/3 trample so why not swap and have an explosive bang? Lastly for the sideboard why not do Naturalize instead of Nature's Claim, why give them the 4 health? And Instead of Plummets why not Gravity Wells?

Posted 07 December 2010 at 01:57 as a comment on Elfdrazi Trap


So I had a couple questions about the deck Lucian instead of 4 Llanowar elfs and 4 Arbor Elfs why not do 3 and 3 and put 2 Joraga Treespeakers in only so that in late game you can get them to make 2 vs 1 mana. I ask because you've obviously play tested this. Also what about Overwhelming Stampedes instead of Garruks? I assume you're really only using Garruk for the 3/3 trample so why not swap and have an explosive bang? Lastly for the sideboard why not do Naturalize instead of Nature's Claim, why give them the 4 health? And Instead of Plummets why not Gravity Wells?

Posted 07 December 2010 at 01:47 as a comment on Elfdrazi Trap
