I see. Everything makes sense now. If only they would reprint lightning helix haha. Cool deck tho. Im thinking about making a 'merica/fremch midrange or control. This gives me insight. So thank you.
I see what you mean what with Glaring Spotlight. But then why not both Aureilia and Gisela? Together there even more dangerous. Than just one or the other.Also question, I see that one helion crucible, how has that fared?
This deck is mean. I would try adding in Aureilia and GoST in addition to the hellkite. Maybe something like2x Hellkite3x GoST1x AureiliaAll 3 of the those together can end a game quickly.
This wouldnt even stand a chance against my mono purple Storm Crow deck. Just take out all the cards and add in 60x Chancellor of the Dross. My storm crows will still win tho . . .
Yeah maybe omce I get a job ill buy the Geists haha. Good idea with Traveler though, ill put him in. Thank you.
I would run Phantasmal Image but im trying to keep it standard. And ill fit in the Cackling counterparts somewhere too.
Finished. The new deck can be found at www.iwonderifitsgonnamakethisalinkautomatticallycuzthatwouldbefunnycuzitwouldtakeyoutoarandompagelolbutyeahthedeckisheresogocheckitoutandstopreadingthisdoyoureallyhavethatmuchofalifethatyourreadingthisstillimightaswellstartsingingaskngorstratthrowinguprandomhashtagsehateverimdonemofo.com
This deck will run out of ammo fairly quickly. Thin down your burn and add some draw. Try adding in some faithless looting and wild guess. I like it tho. Check out my Azorius Deck.and tell me what you think?
Wow, incredible use of Garruk. Add in a little Flicker Tusk and hot damn you.got urself a damn good deck. Iblike this a lot. Ur going to win quite a few tournaments. Check out my Azorius deck and tell me what u think. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=392704&DeckCommentID=295703
I really like your use of liliana of the veil to discard your scavenge creatures. I would take out vraska for more liliana shes way better, imo. Check out my azorius deck and tell me what u think. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=392704&DeckCommentID=295703
Okay, Archon is just in there for a late game big boi. Same with supreme.verdict,.in case im getting overrun. The guildmage is.there cuz.he can throw ppl up in the air which I like. I guess its not aggro more tempo. What should I.change then if I take what u said out. No delver.tho I find him, imo, inconsistent.
Haha. I always have trouble with blue for some reason. But thank you.
*either lol
Yeah I detain and aggro it up while using feeling of dread of to help. The draw gets me wither the sliverblade or the runechanters, I pop that on a dude, and usually I am able to get past and swing for a lot. Also what do u think of the SB?
Azorius Tempo/Aggro http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=392704
Your opponent is guarenteed to target your jarad and hydra with there removal so I suggest some sheltering words and rangers guiles in the sb for those annoying controlly decks.
Nah, Rtr wont be to tribal. Lots of mixes. Left a comment on your deck too.
I currently run a U\W Delver Control and I mess with my friend by saying theres no fighting the Azoriius Senate, you just lose.
Yes defineitely a good deck. Plus dimir and simic could boost golgari to a top player.
I agree. TC wont the cure all agiasnt Golgari, but will def hold golgari by the sack. As for reanimators, they are usually small enough to deal with if u have good.creatures, or like u said anything to exile them or gain control. Reanimators is waaaaaaaaayy different then the G/B golgari beatdown everyone is bent on creating. If ur talking aout reanimators yes, u will need a more efficent strategy.
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