I would add smothering tithe, knight of the white orchid, or oreskos explorer for some reliable ramp and maybe a few more impactful top end creatures like aurelia and gisela even jazal goldmane who lets you really pump up the board and take advantage of the menace iroas gives to punch damage in. I've also found mass calcify to be ineffective for its cost, board wipes like austere command are often way more devastating while still giving you some selection of what to kill. As for what to replace for these I would say maybe some of the haste enablers as you have more than enough and rage reflection because you're already running true conviction and gratuitous violence which are just better. Hope this helps :)
this is actually one of the coolest alesha builds I've seen
You might want to put it some more haste enablers. Dragon tempest is pretty good. Also you might want a few more instants and sorcery options
martial coup is another good board wipe for Darien. I would consider swapping it for knight of new benalia since its just a 3/1 vanilla
I would take out manamorphose, ustoppable ash, orochi leafcaller as well as gilded lotus. While its a great card in a five color deck you don't really want three mana of just one color you want more add one mana of any color cards. Mirror entity and adaptive automoton are good but you don't really need them because you have so many powerful creatures already. Finally I would get rid of gemstone array because you have a lot of good faster mana rocks already
That's incorrect tazri is five color but she only has white in her casting cost