
187 Decks, 6 Comments, 0 Reputation

I'm very curious to hear updates on how well this deck had been doing for you. I really want this to work since I ran a nearly identical deck, and got steamrolled by fast aggro and midrange. When it worked, it was hilarious. Huge creatures and loss life on turn 6 or 7.

I only play-tested this a little, but I had big problems surviving until that point in the game. I discovered that Duskmantle Guildmage + Traumatize almost never happens since you need 8 mana at least. By then I had already won, all my guildmages were destroyed, or I was completing overwhelmed by the number of threats hitting the board and lost. Duskmantle Guildmage is one of my favorite cards but he is super slow. If you activate his ability early on, you don't have mana open for counters when you really need them. He's mostly just a 2/2 body until turn 6 or 7.

Missing any land drops and not being able to cast removal or those 5 mana spells was devastating. So was drawing a bunch of early mill cards and not enough removal. I got a lot of feedback and ended up losing almost all my mill cards to put in more control/removal and relying more heavily stalling the game out long enough for my 5 drops to mill them out or kill. Haven't tested that one out enough yet though.

Still one of my favorite kind of decks to play with casually especially for the cost. Far too slow to play at my local game store though.

Posted 05 October 2013 at 23:23 as a comment on Mill/Kill Standard (~$20)
