mite overseer
Can anyone suggest what to cut? The deck is pretty self-explanatory. Just play werewolves and attack to draw cards.
Thanks, this deck used to have blue in it, and when I cut the blue I put in mountains as placeholders to keep the numbers of lands right.
I need help deciding what to cut
Evolution Sage might be better than Flux Channeler because you have more lands than noncreature spells
Yeah, you can't get much more simple than play a big creature and attack with it
You have two copies of Kodama's Reach. Cut one and add a Rampant Growth or something
I would recommend Contagion Engine, Planewide Celebration, and Deepglow Skate
Aren't the mox banned in commander?
You might want to add Life Goes On, Light Of Hope, Feed The Clan, Heroes' Reunion, or Rest For The Weary
Obeka only stops effects that end during a step, they have to go on the stack so Obeka can exile the ability
Your turn doesn't end on your end step, it ends after your end step
You're mixing it up, "until end of turn" doesn't mean "until the next end step", it means when it is the next person's turn, the effect stops, I looked it up in the rules while making my Obeka deck. There are 48 cards in Zendikar Rising alone with the term "Until end of turn".
I don't think demigods count as gods
But you still have to give the creature back to your opponent at end of turn
What's the point of Angrath in this? He doesn't synergize with anything
If you want to make it as fast as possible, add in two more rotting regisaurs
You might want to add a dark ritual and/or cabal ritual just to speed things up a turn or two
do you two comment on every deck?
I think you should add another 3 of Sephara
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