
5 Decks, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation

Thinkin a few cards could be better than Brushstrider, Gravecrawler for example. But when I've got nothin happening and I need a creature, he only cost 2 and is flexible in the mana cost. That later part is why I chose him over Strangleroot Geist. Sideboard I was thinking removal and protection. Wild Defiance against burn spells, while also double buffing from increasing savagery, and maybe some giant growth for uber bumps with that. And then removal like abrupt decay, get rid of those spheres and what not.

Posted 16 December 2012 at 19:34 as a comment on Golgari Thompin' Updated - (Standard)


Thanks for the tips! I actually did get some LoL Trolls since this. And Gravecrawler is pricey, still lookin to get him. :D

Posted 16 December 2012 at 19:18 as a comment on Golgari Thompin' (Standard)
