Splashy Kraken

0 Decks, 5 Comments, 1 Reputation

Recommendation: 4x Gorilla Shaman
It's effectively an Ancient grudge on an isocron scepter. But it can swing.
I would also add more artifact hate; oxidize and smelt are very solid. Hoard smelter and the slime give your opponent some time to threaten your board state. I believe it's more effective to hit their lands sooner, and use something like raging ravine to swing with.
Hope I helped : )

Posted 21 January 2014 at 02:42 as a comment on Lands/Creatures Ends


So simple, yet, so effective. I would sideboard at least one eldrazi titan just in case you do end up facing a very good mill deck. Or, at the very least, a sundial of the infinite. I run a deck similar to this, and Curse of the Pierced Heart is pretty much the only weakness.

Posted 21 January 2014 at 02:33 as a comment on ULTIMATE BUDGET DECK


Always happy to see a mill deck. I run a similar one, with the extractions and all. Here are some suggestions to hopefully help with that competitive edge:

Snapcaster Mage - A flash blocker that will let you extract something else (you can still pay the 2 life for surgical extraction)

Extract - Strongly recommend at least side boarding it. At best you grab a pesky eldrazi to prevent resetting their library. At worst you grab a land to make for a more effective mind funeral. (Maybe one that you replay with Snapcaster)

Baleful Strix - I know you want to steer clear of creatures, but this can serve as a more targeted innocent blood, with the added benefit of drawing a card. If nothing else, it'll take a lightning bolt for you.

Visions of beyond - I saw this was already recommended, but again, it's a cantrip at worst, an Ancestral Recall at best.

Glimpse the unthinkable - I know you turned these down, but a mill deck without these is like a burn deck without lightning bolts.

I would also swap out the contagion engines for more damnations, they're just more efficient.

I hope at least one of those were helpful. Have fun continuing to f*** on peoples decks.

Posted 20 January 2014 at 19:03 as a comment on Voted Off


If your budget supports,
Glimpse the Unthinkable
Mind Funeral
Nemesis of Reason
Hebron Crab
Archive Trap

Hope that helps.

Posted 24 November 2013 at 19:01 as a comment on Blue/Black - Dimir Mill Deck


Just a friendly recommendation;
Since you don't really want nether spirit to be the only creature in your graveyard, and you won't be using the fourth fallen ideal to its real purpose (3 Evershrikes)
- 2 Nether Spirit
- 1 Fallen Ideal
+ 3 Dread Return

I think this would help with consistency, as you now have incentive to entomb/bury your Iname, Death Aspect instead of banking on drawing him every game. Also let's you sac your recurring creatures to get back a demigod.

Posted 24 November 2013 at 15:45 as a comment on Spirit, fear it
