black sun zenith is cheaper and can take out more enemies at once...while leaving yours on the field for milling...I do like ur think twice cards...
hmmm yeh I thought of skin renders...just didn't know if i wanted to keep adding 4 cost abilties in my deck or not...but I do like skin rinder...
Boom....what happened? oh you just lost the game braa
need some coments on my 2012 standard control deck anyone? I'm new here
hmmm not bad for hex green white...I don't see much for swiftboots though unless your using it for haste...
well I don't like quest of pureflame because by the time you have it won't start working until about the 4th turn atleast...cuz it needs 4 that time...the game should be about done...
I don't like too many teetering peeks...even though they are nice...its one less land in play because it comes into play tapped...
I play tournaments that I win alot with my deck...its fun and may look at it and say whoa 15 lands but it works all the time...
well... how would you kill the person off? lots of uniqe combo abilities but I see it hard to stay alive vs fast decks... here is my first build... critique pls =)
mmm nice...I wanna make a phantsmal deck myself...just need more cards...very nice build...right now I'm working on a fun multi functional control deck...
Critique my deck, I thought I had a good idea.... Using cards I have but need to know how good it is and how to make it more well rounded.
1 card!... surgical extraction... whole deck destroyed... lol but yeh