ram-gang are a good idea..but they cycle in a few weeks...try using Lavalanche or volcanic fallout instead of jund charm..jund charms is pretty much and expensive pyroclasim..use fallouts..because..uncounterable is just awesome and does damage to them which is always good..and lavalanche can be countered..but if they don't..it can deal more damageto the big creatures and the player...also..another bloodbraid is always good..also the curve of your deck is pretty low axcept for the broodmate..so you can go down to 20lands..my suggestion is scrap the savage lands..they slow you down..and in a beatdown/aggro..you don't need to be slow...SIDEBORD..take out the jund charms and madrushes,ultimatums...other then that paragraph the deck seems pretty good
the planewalkers are more so late game..and garruk is self explanitory...um..untap 2 lands..untap lands go faster play more spells a turn...chandra is a distraction..most people go after her once they see her..also..you can use her second ability to get rid of an annoying creature...and sarkhan vol...play him..take their creature and pimp slap them in the face with it..and also..play him..next tunt bloodbraid into any creature and give them both +1/+1..more damage...planes walker are there for those reasons...but since i've been running it in tournies and doing well they seem to work..and if you still don't agree..please point me to what you think is better.
i've ran** the deck
i've rean the deck in multiple tournies..and I always place in the top 4..the only reason i've lost ith the deck is because i either draw too much or two little land...god damn mana flooding and mana screwing!!
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