done :P
thank you sir :D
Havoc and Sire are for matches against control decks, im aggro therefore i can lose life because all they will be doing is waiting for turn 6 to aetherling most of the time or obzedat, same with the Sire :D
thanks for the comments :D and after playing against R/G monster Midrange/Aggro and getting stomped on by the stormbreaths i do like these changes you suggested however i also like minuteofny's coment too so i am gonna try a mix of both :D
i haven't lost a game since with the creature changes! TY :D
Holy**** xD, this is nasty. I would lovee to try this out. Actually i will try it tommorrow then i could maybe make other comments but atm it looks next to flawless to me! Good Job Bro!
lol, modern is fun. all my friends play standard so thats why i do :P
i thought i did, apparently not ty again :D
i actually really like that change ty for the comment :D
:D <3
HA i beat you with my deck yesterday :D
thats something i will definitely try, but at the moment i have been winning with either assemble, or just mill with Jace lol. I will try tho, haven't thought of that....... thank you for feed back :D
Any suggestions on what to drop for it?
Just wanted to make a deck that could possibly beat all types of decks.....but mostly black devotion, i hate those guys! Criticism is good! Please help if you have any ideas, will consider any ideas :D
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