Your deck is gay af
Any bant colored commander could work in this deck, however the deck isn't really focused around the commander. The commander is just a figurehead so i can access the bant colors. If this wasn't an issue I may have preferred to go with something along the lines of Daxos the Returned.
Use draw spells/mana providing spells to get 4 mana to cast either balustrade spy or undercity informer. Mill your entire library, put your narcomoebas in the battlefield. Sacrifice three of them to play Dread Return on Angel of Glory Rise. Put all undercity informers, azami, laboratory maniac, and wild cantor onto the battle field. Then simply tap either laboratory maniac or azami to win the game. If your opponent lightning bolts or unsummons or any other 1 mana removal spell, simply tap the other wizard to resolve laboratory maniac and win!!
Thank you for that suggestion, I agree completely. Changes have been made :)
So I just discovered an amazing combo with vampire hexmage and dark depths. Any advice on what colors I should remove/use to make this work?
Thank you, changes have been made.
Changes have been made. What else?
Great deck. Although Vampire Nighthawk provides good defense, perhaps the addition of Wall of Bone or another defender can assist in the sustainability of the smaller extort creatures. Enchantment combo between Sanguine Bond and Exquisite Blood is quite remarkable and lethal, not to mention PURE EVIL.