that is false, as soon as you target an illusion, the spellskite ability acts as an instant and uses the ability on the stack, and as the stack resolves... the end result is that the illusion was never targeted, the spellskite is the new target... if abilities didn't act as instants, then your statement would be true... but spellskites are excellent in an illusion deck. Xenograft is a great addition to an illusion deck to turn ur LotU into an illusion, but it's not necessary if you get out Phantasmal Image to copy a LotU. also cryptoplasm is great if you're going against a stompy deck to copy their big nasty and as long as you have Xenograft out, it's still an illusion so gets its +1/+1 from LotU and hexproof!
Quick question... Let's say you're at 0 health and you have Phyrexian Unlife in play; for the spells that you have to pay 2 life to cast due to the insufficiant color mana... is it still possible to pay 2 life even if you have Melira in play? Since paying 2 life would cause poison counters, but you can't have poison counters put on you and you do not have the 2 life to pay? I'm thinking about putting the cards together for this deck atm I have every card in the set but 5 :P
i picked up zendikar this last year and created my vampire deck which has been twinked alot... i have only lost 2 games against the same deck (Vengevine G/W) played well over 200+ games with my vamps and very proud of them. check out my vamp deck, i suggest not so many "spell" cards... Gatekeeper of Malakir, best 3rd turn drop for vamps with kicker... Hexmage best counter removal (planeswalker destroyer)... Pulse Tracker best 1st turn monster drop (1dmg + 1 life lost)... 2 more blade of the bloodchiefs would help alot... vampire nighthawk is the best 3 mana creature in the game... imho, because it's Lifelink, Deathtouch, Flying, 2/3!!!! Feast of Blood is great removal, but i understand it doesn't remove indestructables... i use Guul Draz Assassin + Urge to Feeds for -1's to finish off those pesky indestructables. also "Go for the Throat" amazing card to sideboard and maindeck (if they're not using artifact deck). Comment on my vampire deck plz tell me wut u think... also if you dont want to use Standard, Vampire Nocturnus is insane!! I used to have him in my deck but wanted to make my deck standard.
Vampire Hexmage should at least be in your Sideboard for planeswalker killers... i peronsally have 2 in my main deck. and yes, Bloodghasts are amazing and persistant! check out my vampire deck comment plz! very nicely done though
if i had more bushwhackers i'd use them. But i could take out the flight spellbombs to put in signal pests. (i used flight spellbombs in the original goblin deck... for sacrificial bait on kuldotha rebirth. i live in Alaska, we're kinda limited on our "events" we have a local tournament once a month, usually a booster draft. and i try to stay away from buying cards online. as stated in my description; i'm aware i need goblin guides... and yes that'd be a fair trade, goblin guide for skitter of lizards... but i can't find any atm. thanks for the comments... i'll be updating my deck with 3 signal pests taking out the flight spellbombs
Thank u for the comment... I can see how this card could be very frustrating for the opponent if u turn their 1 and only land into and island; or even slowing them down from casting the big nasties. I might put 3 in here to make it a 70 card deck... Since I can't seem to think of wut could be taken out. If u have any ideas let me know?
I rarely use my bloodchief ascensions or my kalastria highborn... hexmages are sick cards, firstrike 2/1 for 2 black is awesome!! vampire nocturnus is t1 which i'm trying to stay away from... therefore i only have 1 of them in this deck, which i'll soon be trading away for another card; i just haven't found the right card to replace it with. malakir bloodwitch is amazing for this deck because i play multiplayer and 1v1, and when i play bloodwitch in multiplayer... i gain a shit ton of life and they all lose life :D anyways, keep commenting everyone!
... there's not much to say... you're running alot of cards that aren't needed. I'm sure you just have avatar of woe in there for creature removal, but there's alot better cards for that which are cheaper. With vampires as your main creature type, you should run Feast of Blood x4, Gatekeeper of Malakir x4, Urge to Feed x4 for creature removal. Captivating Vampire is a must in any vampire deck, possible 4th turn controlling your opponents creatures ftw. -take a look at my vampire deck- i know a few ppl that are using my deck and rebuilding around it... just think about it... and good luck with your vampires! they're always fun to play!! --comment please--
Any metalcraft deck should at least have 3-4 Ornithopters and/or Memnites... possible 1st turn metalcraft with 1 ornithopter, 1 memnite, land, and a 1 cost artifact. Indomitable Archangel is a must for a white metalcraft deck, giving all other artifacts shroud. Kemba is also a must considering all the equip cards you're running. -good luck- --comment on my decks plz-
I understand your mechanics of Pulse Trackers over Lacerators: 1. Pulse Trackers are a quick easy creature to get out that deals 2 dmg if they dont have a blocker. 2. If they do have a blocker, it still deals 1 damage upon declaring attacking; where-as if lacerator attacks, and is blocked... no damage is dealt to opponent. Think about it guys... you want to avoid losing life as much as possible, with 6 fletches in the deck... he'll be at 14 life with self-sac; not to mention the damage your opponent would be dealing to you (but that's just a worst case scenario) I dont think you'd need the lacerators in your deck at all Black, because by turn 4 you'll have 3 creatures + nocturnus = 22 dmg if you do nonstop attacking considering... Turn 1: pulse tracker Turn 2: pulse tracker - attacking 1 pulse tracker (2 dmg) Turn 3: Gatekeeper of Malakir (creature removal) - attacking 2 pulse trackers (4 dmg) Turn 4: Vampire Nocturnus (top card black) - attacking 2 pulse trackers + 1 gatekeeper (12 flying dmg) Turn 4 WIN
Yes you're right, they're great for beginners... but you'd be amazed how badly vampires can be played; I'm not saying I'm experienced. I started in 7th edition and was introduced to vampires when M11 came out. I got some good pulls, made some good trades for Sorin and that's when I made my vampire deck. You're right that people know my deck left and right; so shouldn't that mean they can build to beat? None-the-less... Vampires are always fun to play, the one that people hate to play is my Goblins... it's more predictable then my Vampires. Thanks for the comment! Good Luck!
thank you for the compliments!
I just created a profile today, after seeing your post and wanted to post my decks for ppl to build upon or comment on. If you'd like you can take a look at my Vampire deck; It hasn't lost a game yet, was made about 1 month after zendikar was released. It has gone great against land destruction, infect, wheenie, theme based decks... Due to the control and creature removal + creature damage. Usually my opponents are killed before 6th turn if you're ruthless and never hold off on attacks and creature removals; ie: hold Gatekeeper Malakir in your hand until your opponent plays a nasty creature that has protection from spells or colors, while using feast of blood or urge to feed to kill off creatures while healing/buffing your own creatures. Comment on my deck if you'd like aswell, I have limited resources for cards and I dont like to purchase cards online; so I'm sure I could run 4 of a kind instead of all those single creatures (the high costing creatures are for the rare occassion where the opponent just doesn't want to die)