
14 Decks, 9 Comments, 1 Reputation

Thanks for all the feedback! Yeah the aggro decks running those 3 zombies easily runs over this deck. I took your suggestion and sideboarded farseek. What I have noticed with the people I primarily play against is they all have slow decks that finish big. Against them this would run fine, but I am worried about the fast decks. If pillar of flame and farseek isn't enough to stop aggro I will make more changes. It may be I am trying to do too much in one deck.

Posted 04 December 2012 at 18:51 in reply to #306965 on 4-Color Seance Rites


youre right about the aggro. i did just read about how aggro recently 2 grands prix, but zombies isnt even a winning deck in the big circuits. and my fnm doesnt play them. i main decked dreadbore and sideboarded o-rings and pillars of flame. so in case somebody does play aggro i can stick in some responses. thanks for the help. any more comments about the main deck would be nice.

Posted 30 November 2012 at 02:15 in reply to #306904 on 4-Color Seance Rites


magmaquake is going to hurt you as much as your opponent unless you have a bunch of drakes out. i would drop it completely because you have already have 6 cards that can be used as field wipes. runechanters pike would be good since you have so many spells going off or hitting the graveyard, and delver is a great start since he is consistently going to be flipped in your deck. i would drop a snapcaster for another guttersnipe as well. nice deck, first time I've seen a guttersnipe deck like this one!

Posted 30 November 2012 at 00:50 as a comment on *** IZZET MASTER SNIPER ***


Very nice, well rounded deck. It is hard to make suggestions at this point, but maybe take out a Harbor and/or Catacomb in place of a couple more basic lands. I say this because it seems like the friendly lands are coming in tapped regularly, especially since you only have 11 lands that have a basic land printed on them. Since you use Artful Dodge as a possible finisher combo and it can also flashback I think dropping one would be okay, maybe stick in another Bone Splinters. Other than that looks great!

Posted 30 October 2012 at 15:42 as a comment on Eternal Invasion


I listened to about half of what you said lol. Dropped Apocalypse as you said, it definitely wasn't turning up when I needed it. Took out one only one horde though, because I personally like it. Yeah it dies to creature removal, but it can fairly consistently be dropped as a 4/4 or 5/5, which is a decent field presence that can aggressively attack or block for several turns. Stuck in a 4th Dreg Mangler and 2 Grimgrin, who should fit nicely into this deck since there's almost always 1 or 2 Gravecrawlers around. Don't really like Lothleth too much, he can regen yeah but unless I have Slitherheads or Gravecrawlers I am not too happy about pitching creatures. Still have as sideboard just in case. Rest on the sideboard is pretty much your suggestions. Thanks a bunch!

Posted 30 October 2012 at 15:28 in reply to #299922 on bla


Oh and check out my aggro deck lol. Suggestions are warmly welcomed.

Posted 23 October 2012 at 22:53 in reply to #298857 on Bant Aggro


This seems to be a solid deck. I like it a lot. It mills well and you are able to alternately win by swinging in the air with decent sized creatures. The couple of things I see possibly being issues are filling your opponents graveyard (which you have Tormod's Crypt for) and burn (low toughness makes for easy removal, particularly from Bonfire and an overloaded Mortar). For sideboard I would suggest Grafdigger's Cage instead of/in addition to Tormod's Crypt. The problem with the Crypt is once you use it their graveyard is just going to fill up again, while Grafdigger's stays on the field. Maybe for the sideboard some negates in order to ensure you don't get ran over by a red field wipe. Easier to use than Faith's Reward.

Posted 23 October 2012 at 22:51 as a comment on Bant Aggro


The draw/discard would mess up the miracle cards he has in his deck, but I agree with the Vexing Devils. 4 Bump in the Night and 4 Vexing Devils can make for a really nasty beginning for the opponent.

Posted 23 October 2012 at 22:33 in reply to #298832 on Rawr Rakdos burn


I think your deck needs either more creatures, or a faster way of winning. As it is you rely almost entirely on burn to beat your opponent, but in standard that is practically impossible to do quickly and consistently. You have the consistent part down, but your deck is made for a long battle (I assume from the spells with flashback). The problem there is you can be overrun by creatures or finished with a big spell, planeswalker, etc. I think a good edit to the deck would to have it run like a traditional RDW, have a low cost aggressive creature base and finish with burn spells. That way you have some protection to go longer and pop off some of that flashback, and you may run a little bit faster if your creatures are unblocked early on. I think even a Chandra would be fine in your deck since you could definitely use her 2nd ability, and her 3rd if you reached it could wipe a big field. Hope this helps! We can talk more if you want specific edit suggestions. Check out my defender deck too

Posted 23 October 2012 at 17:02 as a comment on Rawr Rakdos burn
