I don't know if you realised but you're one card away from an infinite combo: Locust God, Skullclamp, Altar of Phyrexia allows you to draw your deck and make infinite mana. It might not work with the deck but I thought it was cool.
Yeah I see what you mean but since it exiles the cards you reveal, it doesn't combo with Apocalypse Demon or Splinterfright etc.
Yeah I'll probably play test it, and edit it depending on how it plays out.
Yeah your deck's pretty cool, but reanimate is too expensive. Vivid Marsh is a good idea though, so thanks for the idea. I might use Reanimate later, but for this version of the deck I probably won't.Just as a completely unrelated question: Should I take out a couple of Altar's Reap for Underworld Connection? They are both nice card draw effects. Underworld Connections is more consistent - as you can activate it lots of times - but Altar's Reap triggers Midnight Reaper and Rotlung Reanimator. So what is the best option?
The main plan is to use Dark Supplicant to summon Scion of Darkness, rather than actually cast it, but yeah I agree it is a bit tight.
That's a good idea, I've added Experimental Frenzy.
Yeah thanks
Fair enough format-wise
I like this deck a lot, and it does seem to be able go very aggro. Personally, I would put more removal in the main board, because currently you only have Demanding Dragon and Dragon Tempest, and you are very weak to board wipes. So I would remove a few of the creatures and ramp (the ones that aren't legal in modern) and add more burn and removal. Hope this helps.
Might be Arbor Elf:, {T}: Untap target Forest.
Done. Also added a few cards I thought of.
Thanks, didn't notice that.
I like the idea but I think you might want to add a few more creature or token summoning cards, as I did a few hand samples and only got a Voice of Resurgence 4 out of 10 times. So I think that it might help to add a few more spells to fuel populate until you draw Voice of Resurgence.
Anointed Procession would be a good choice for this deck I think.
Here's one I made: http://www.mtgvault.com/some1/decks/izzet-commander/Hope you get some ideas from it.
Melek, Izzet Paragon might be a good commander. Or Mizzex of the Izmagnus.
What do I remove to add those cards?
Is it just me that's noticed that you have 6 Fraying Sanity?
Won't go for the red option, but what shall I remove for Pirates Prize and Prying Blade?
Changed the deck around a bit- Removed Archfiend of Ifnir, Hollow One and Horror of the Broken Lands, added 4x Graf Harvest and 2x From Under the Floorboards.
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