wow this is the most savage Narset Ive seen. You need more mana acceleration to be stronger though :)
Prophet of kruphix is banned, i recommend removing it from the decklist ;)
You can just replace Gift of Tusks with any kind of good cheap (ideally)goblin with death trigger and you're good to go :) Or a fulminator mage.Another alternative, if you really love akki, would be Serum Powder.
In my experience, Mogis tends to be much stronger than Kaervek, due to his indestructibility, and his damage output is much more consistent - not to mention when he turns into o 7 power indestructible beatstick. I have a quite successful multiplayer Mogis deck if you want to check it out. Don't be scared by the deck price, it is almost exclusively caused by landbase.
he could replace it with elvish mystic.
I would suggest replacing some of the less effective creatures with draw bombs like Greater Good, Soul's Majesty, Momentous Fall and life's legacy. It should make your deck much more consistent in long games :)
Good point! Thank you :)
Glad I could help :) I can confirm that having Debtor's Knell with Privileged position is mostly gg :)
For multiplayer EDH I created a pillow fort/clock based enchantment only EDH with Genju of the Realm as a commander (allowed in my playgroup). I think several of the enchantments can prove to be very useful, particularly baneful omen, Debtor's Knell, Luminarch Ascension, and never underestimate Mogis, God of Slaughter ( he has won me many games :) ) Bloodchief ascension and Thoughtrender Lamia are a huge addition too.
You should consider adding Shivan meteor too :)I run a far more casual decklist with the same overall idea, and the meteor is rarely a dead card.
Actually, as some of your creatures often have undying, Cauldron of Souls may be preferable to Mikaeus. On the other hand, it kills the guys with 1 toughness again when they come back again - which can be a good thing or a bad thing. Innocent blood/ Barter in blood may be interesting. Other honorable mentions would be Bloodghast, Gatekeeper of Malakir and Harvester of Souls.
This looks awesome, I was looking for a good mardu aggro EDH and I found it! I'll replace the the zombie theme and can't wait to test it :)Thanks :)
Hi, Erayo is banned in commander. Other than that, nice deck, but if you want to do more of stealing, be sure to check my Wrexial that is completely built around killing opponent with his own cards :)
AFAIK you can flash her at the end of declare attackers step, before declare blockers step. By that time the ability is resolved and is not on the stack anymore. Before damage step you return wydwen to your hand, and if you have 10 mana you can flash her back at the end of opponents turn so that you can attack with her during your turn."Before the Declare Attackers step can end, both players must pass priority. At a minimum, this is when you get an opportunity to act, and can cast creatures with flash."
well it would, but maze of ith is only one card out of 100, doesn't proc the sygg's ability, and wydwen is good as a 3/3 flash flying early, and as an invincible beater/blocker later. I stopped playing consuming vapors as I faced lots of token/swarm decks, and it was ineffective in such scenario. On the other hand I played both Damnation and Black Sun's zenith because I had very few creatures in the deck. Some other cards I've always found a use for was Trickbind - fetchland destruction is the least it can do, as it stops virtually all the combo's out there. Next would be Nihil spellbomb, and the last one is made specially for sygg - Bloodchief Ascension. Glen Elendra Archmage is also very advisable.EDIT: Sol ring and Sensei's Divining top are awesome too.
I wish I had half of the cards in this deck. But I would definitely play Wydwen, I play her as a commander, and she is so unbelievably resilient that she won me numerous games without support - for example she could block thraximundar for 5 turns alone and held him until I won the game. She is not to be underestimated.
Point taken :)
How about mirrorweave? :)
Nice and fun deck :)
I would consider replacing the planeswalkers with Banefire which is a very decent finisher, drives control decks mad, and is effective and usable even without 6 mana. I would reconsider portcullis too, even though I love that card and play it everywhere I can, Breaking point will suit your needs much better I think. Repercussion is very considerable too, as a defensive enchantment (it really is - use all your burn to kill creatures while hurting the opponent too, and it is also another way for you to win against witchbane orb/leyline of sanctity )
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