Well, each person has a different opinion. You're probably right, anyways.
If you want a stompy guy, use Kalonian Hydra. You already have the mana-ramp for it, don't you? A Mistcutter would also be fun for you.
Another fun Hydra would be the Vastwood Hydra. What you do with your Vastwood Hydra is let it commit suicide and transfer all its +1/+1 counters to, say, your Savageborn. Now you've got, like, a 40/40 with double strike and then give it trample and another +1/+1 counter during each upkeep with a little card I like to call the Ring of Kalonia.Other than that, not too shabby!Another fun mana-ramp card is Gyre Sage.
I really like this deck, but I do not see why the Colossus of Akros is in this deck. Don't get me wrong, it's awesome, but I do not see it contributing to this particular deck.
I could see a splash of blue in here, but not Merfolk. Blue/Black Zombie could help with your sacrificing. Zombies = Graveyard Fodder.
Hmmm...so, this deck isn't hopeless. Please take it off Unloved because with some tweaks, this deck could be great. Allow me to help.First off, sideboard Chained to the Rocks. If you're trying to throw down creatures and pound in some faces, you don't need Chained to the Rocks. You don't need control in a creature-heavy aggro deck, do you? Just something to think about.Now, I'm not trying to hate on the Reckoner, but do you /really/ need four of them? I would suggest running two, then have some low drops (i.e. Legion Loyalist or Boros Elite) and I could see a splash of Battalion thrown in here, seeing as you have a token generator (Elspeth).Soldier of the Pantheon is an amazing one-drop, don't get me wrong, but put him on the Side. Let me explain why. Yes, he's a 2/1 for W, but his ability is actually very, VERY situational. If you're facing, say, a mono-black deck, SotP isn't going to help you very much because his ability will have nothing to do with the game. Make sense?If you have no Flashback, then Ash Zealot won't be of much use. I don't often see a lot of Flashback used. I would throw in Warclamp Mastiff, Boros Elite, Legion Loyalist, or Firefist Striker. Ash Zealot burns only when a spell is cast from the grave. You have no Flashback in this deck and there is not often much flashback in a deck, based on what I see. I could be wrong, but at the very least side Ash Zealot.I'm trying to find where you have enough targeting to warrant Heroics, but I don't see it. Now, I would replace Anax and Cymede with, perhaps, Tajic, Blade of the Legion (2/2 for {2}{W}{R} - Indestructible AND Battalion +5/+5 for him) or replace your Chained to the Rocks with Coordinated Assaults and Swift Justices if you want to keep your Anax, but cut it down to 2. If you get a hand full of them, you're gonna just be sitting on them due to Legendary rule.On that note, if you're going to run some more targeting stuff, run Akroan Crusaders. Another fun token generator for just one red mana!Also, I'd up it to 22-24 land. 21 is fine, but if you start noticing any mana problems with this deck, add more Plains. On that note, why are you running more Mountains than Plains when there are more instances of White requirements than Red? I don't think you noticed that. I would invert the numbers a little.Now, there are aspects of this deck I really do like. Your inclusion of Boros Charm was very good, but ensure that you use it for either indestructibility or making a creature go BOOM unless you can use it on an opponent to win this turn or you have some lifelink or a double strike would help (with targeting or winning the game that turn). Some may disagree with me on that, but it's totally up to you.I like Elspeth being in this deck. She is just mean!I like your potential boardwipe (Mizzium Mortars). That was a very nice touch.Magma Jet was a very good card to put in, primarily for its Scry 2.This deck has potential and I think it could go far. Tweak it some, and it'll be fantastic!If you would like, you may check out my own Boros deck here: http://www.mtgvault.com/soltur/decks/redwhite-boros-battalion-unit/If you have any questions, let me know! I'll be happy to help!One final piece of advice (so you don't ever feel as though you need to Unlove a deck): Think of deckbuilding as putting together a puzzle. How does each piece (or card, in this case) fit with one another to make a sound hole? When you build a deck, look through it. See where certain core effects may not be as widely-used within that deck as you thought it would. See how some cards that look great could be sideboarded because they have situational abilities. Keep this in mind and you'll go far.
Of course, Shadow. I do not like seeing decks go Unloved because each and every deck has its own potential that has yet to be tapped (no pun intended). Think of deckbuilding as...putting together a puzzle. How does each card fit in with the others to make a sound whole? :)
Understandable. Thank you.
I really like this deck! It is awesome! I'm kinda missing Jace, Memory Adept though. May I ask why he's not in here? Or at least sideboarded?
I like the deck, but I have a few areas where I'm a little iffy. If you're running an Aggro deck, why do I see Chained to the Rocks (a control card)? Also, Skyknight Legionnaire may SEEM fast, but she really is not. If you want a hasty creature, use Legion Loyalist.Throwing Gideon in was an insanely good idea.I like the deck, but that's my advice. That, and make things a little easier to get your hands on (i.e. careful with onesies).Feel free to check mine out! http://www.mtgvault.com/soltur/decks/redwhite-boros-battalion-unit/
Before I begin, let me say I see a great deal of potential in this deck. I think that a Red/White Token Battalion deck, if pulled off right, would be absolutely KILLER. I do see a few items that I do not agree with, so I will address that here.So, if this is so aggro, why do you have Chained to the Rocks? Why isn't there a Purphoros and/or Heliod? I would suggest sideboarding Soldier of the Pantheon.Also, replace Spark Trooper. You need to maintain field presence and Spark Trooper, while useful for that one turn, won't help you very much.Why is there not a single Akroan Crusader? You need more targeting to trigger Akroan Crusader. If you can combo that with Purphoros, that's also 2 damage an opponent takes.Now, for the positives.I LOVE that you put in Elspeth. She's a great token generator. That was a good idea.I like Precinct Captain. Just ensure you find ways that your Captain will indeed deal damage. Phalanx Leader would prove quite nasty here as it makes your tokens strong enough to withstand an Overloaded Electrickery.You were good to include your Charms. Those can be very useful when used correctly.My other suggestions:You seem to want to control and hit. You're running what looks like it's supposed to be aggro, but you're running Imposing Sovereign. Chained to the Rocks. Glare of Heresy. I don't see any aggro in those cards. I'd replace those cards with targeting spells for a Crusader or Leader, if you decide to run those.Again, this deck has a lot of potential, even if it has been Unloved. Please. Work on this deck. It would be a shame to see a deck go to waste. :)If you would like, you can take a look at my own Battalion deck. http://www.mtgvault.com/soltur/decks/redwhite-boros-battalion-unit/
I actually really like this deck! It is amazing! Wanna check mine out?
I agree with you there.
Hm...I would say go for it, but it might not ping off of very much.
No problem. Carnage Gladiator deals 1 damage to any player that tries to block and Bloodfray Giant is a 4 drop 4/3 Unleash with Trample.
Ring of Kalonia would be a good idea. Gives equipped creature Trample.
No problem, man. Using Garruk, you can turn 3 a Worldspine.
I think he's too high of a drop for a 3/1. Were he four or five, sure, but I typically got more use out of Carnage Gladiators and Bloodfray Giants in my own Rakdos deck than Rakdos Ringleader.
Run Garruk, Caller of Beasts. He's a four drop that can get out any green creature in your hand (i.e. Worldspine Wurm).
I like the deck, but I do not like the Ringleader in there. I would consider replacing it with Carnage Gladiator or Bloodfray Giant. Again: Great deck! Feel free to check mine out! http://www.mtgvault.com/soltur/decks/redblack-rakdos-fury-unleash/
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