Yes. It would be even more fitting then Angel of Glory's Rise, as the Hope card, but I found returning Shadowborn Appostles to field was better then making demons indestructible. As it is, Most people expect an Avacyn in a Kaalia deck.
Phenax, God of Deception. Might just be me, but playing him against control players gives me a disturbing level of satisfaction.
I'd played this deck with 3x Nightveil Spectres instead of the realmwrights and a third Desecration Demon. Although it can add devotion for Phenax and allow you to steal their top card, it had too many solutions. It is easily removed with burn spells, control players are more likely to counter it then a 1 mana Realmwright. Finally, if the deck your facing is a different colour, you'd need to exile lands before playing something useful.
Pretty good, but why 4x Thassa? Seems abig strange.