if u like soldier decks, plz visite and comment mine!
use grapeshot. it can deliver tons of dmg if timed right
Shared Triumph is cheap and realiable, go for it
loved the concept,but it works? looks fun to play
Im building this deck and is in alpha state right now so thats why im still 4 cards short. And the sideboard section im using it to show posible cards that can be put inside the main deck
Edited and updated: looking for comments and sugestions
get more dragonstorm copies, and the best dragon for dragonstrom is bogardan hellkite.
why hunted dragon? i never understood that pick.
maybe putting some creatures/smaller dragons it can work well holdin off during the early turns until u draw the combo.btw i have played this deck many times and the direct damage is a viable way of ruining your oponent´s day by killing all the creatures or to activate Spinerock. also keep in mind that the direct burns are cheep too so you can easily (in optimal conditions) play a dragonstorm for 5 or 6 copiesps :rite of flame+ seething song =tons of red mana production
maybe you can make some space for Æther Vial
thx for the comment, btw incinerate goes well to reach the 7 damage needed for spinerock Knoll and with all the instants and mana accelerator the storms allways come with 4 copies minimum
hunter dragon was removed!
updated, im playing vintage or legacy
Updated version and description!
very similar to my 1st build of dragonstorm. u can take out 2 pyromancer and put 2 more dragons
try rite of flame, seting song for mana acceleration
nice deck i have a similar one but not for standard, take a look on my deks and comment plz
try with rite of flame. can you check mi dragonstrom deck?