Cool idea! Things like Crypt Ghast and Nirkana Revenant could help give you ungodly amounts of mana to work with, and mana dump cards like exsanguinate empty the crypts could be helpful in providing another win condition. Super cool concept taking advantage of swamps like that
Hmm well if you're going to go that route I would personally prefer something like mephidross vampire
Something like unruly mob might do well in a deck like this, I also like the idea of guardian's pledge :O
Ethereal armor could be a good addition to make the creatures a bit bigger and help bring the win faster, but otherwise this looks great! Definitely would be a lot of fun to play
Not bad! The downside is that if the deck you're up against isn't strongly creature based you're going to be in trouble. Maybe consider adding a couple more bigger creatures so that you have a more general win condition. If you want to stick with the killing theme, here are a couple ideas:Mortician beetleViscera Seer/reassembling skeletonBlade of the bloodchiefGeth's verdict is also a better version of cruel edict you might want to consider
I have! That and increasing vengeance would fit very nicely in this deck. At this point I'm not 100% sure if it might be too much copy and not enough burn if I add it in, but it's definitely a good idea!
Really good idea.. adding that in =]
Scrap that. It looks amazing.
looks really really really fun and good =D Only comment i'd have is that perhaps you won't be able to slow the opponent down fast enough early.. like mebbe u need more discard power? Though the way it is it would probably work in most cases.. liek its really good =D
I agree with InsaneShane32! In a standard mill deck, the creatures you use should either slow down the enemy (i.e. wall), or contribute to the milling! Creatures like that phantasmal bear are too easily destroyed, and will make you more vulnerable as you try to buy time to mill them
Personally, I would cut down on the number of cards you only have 1 of and get more of some of the focus cards, just so you have more consistency with the deck. You could also throw in a joraga warcaller to abuse the combo with immaculate magistrate =]
ok! I took your comment into consideration, AND i took out coat of arms to make it standard legal =P