thought scour enables snapcaster and pike, so I tihnk for now at least I'll stick with it. Falkenrath aristocrat is just and excellent agressive creature tht can help top out a curve. @Rubin, Izzet Charm really just isnt very good in my opinion. It doesn't do much that you really want it to do. I agree with guttersnipe over noble.
Also, why no cavern of souls?
I think attended knight should be blade splicer. It's more power, and though a little weaker to vapor snag i find it can be a very effective threat. It's also helpful against sword of war and peace to have a colorless body.
That, my friend, is an excellent idea.
Thanks everyone for your advice. Unfortuneately this is a standard deck so no bolt or aether membrane. With Karn, ordinarily I would agree but where I live the metagame has a lot of things that burn has trouble killing like Titans and Phyrexian Obliterator.
It also is incredible with Venser.
This is a pretty controlly deck, so I think most games will go long enough to play Spine of Ish Sah. It combos very well with Phrexia's Core, as well as Ghostly Flicker. It can really turn some games around for you. Nice deck!
This is a mono red control I've been working on.
Yea this was just made from cards I have I'm looking for more snapcasters.
You're short two cards.
Drop the tracker's instincts for forbidden alchemy.
Hero of Bladehold...
What happens if you don't draw mr. transmuter? You need draw spells.
The only problem that I could see with Bar the Door is that if I put it in, and I don't see a whipflare, then I would be wasting a card and be feeling obligated to keep three mana open for a few turns. Apostle's blessing actually has alternate uses, like getting by blockers.
Actually, it just occured to me that protection prevent all damage, doesn't it? What would you think of something like Apostle's Blessing in sideboard? If I had just one creature up and running, then I could probably expand again...
Thank you, sir. Though I one major issue I see with this deck is whipflare, which is showing up more and more in Wolf Run decks, and would absolutely kill this deck. Any ideas for evading it?
Take out the Stream Hoppers and add Warren Instigators or Goblin Guides. In my opinion, those are the two best goblins in the game. Nice deck.
Hey I like this deck. Could you take a look at my take on mill and let me know what you think? +1 =)
+2 Skithyrix and -2 Black Suns. With so much aggro, Black suns will probably kill more of your stuff than theirs. And Skithyrix is just a badass.
Drop the mystic retrievals, they're not worth another good spell.
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