Ah, thanks. I didn't notice that it said specifically from your hand.
Put in a few thrumming stones and you just made it way meaner.
I took some ideas from it for my sideboard. It's a decent deck, I like my angel production better though. I get a 6/6 angel consistently every turn and sometimes 5 of them a turn. It's very hard to deal with. I like the protection from colors and the scroll of avacyn. Didn't even know that card existed. Honor of the pure and Mass Calcify might make it in, not sure. Maybe sideboard.
Yeah I mean I'm just giving an example. It could be an Elderscale Worm or something or an enchantment that makes it so you can't attack like Sphere of Safety.
I would say maybe have a small form of removal. Maybe like an exile artifact or enchantment card and Path to Exile for some minor control. What if plays like a Platinum Angel. You need a way around it.
Pretty simple concept but effective. A U/W deck like this won FNM a few times.
You should check out my mono-white deck I just posted with Angels. It is pretty cheap as well. You might not gain as much but it holds up strong against many kinds of decks. Here is the link. Good concept though. http://www.mtgvault.com/snelss0/decks/angelic-beats-sideboard-help/
Looks pretty inexpensive.
You probably get happy when your start hand is Mountainx2, Akroan Crusader, Obelisk of Urd, Hammerhead, Coordinated Assault x2
Looks really good man. +1
Looks decent and it's pretty cheap