get more harbringers. otherwise looks like fun. Check out my decks "RG Quick Beating" "Milling with Fishes 101" "Knights who say NEE" "Strength in Numbers" "Jail Time" Thanks :D
Oh yah, second sunrise would help against board-clearing spells like Damnation, WOG, etc.
Fracturing Dust would be a board-wipe... beware... otherwise, looks like a blast to play. :D
could you also check out "Prison Time"?
looks interesting. not much I can say either. Please check out my deck "RG Quick Beating"
VERY unique deck idea. i like it. LordOfWar is right about those cards. BTW, you need more mana. Please check out my deck "RG Quick Beating"
Then if you can't afford too many more copies of some of these cards, invest in 4 of's of Tutor like cards. They help you find the card you need on-demand. Hope that helps. Please check out my deck "RG Quick Beating"
Sliver Legion is one INCREDIBLE card. Look into more copies of it. Please check out my deck "RG Quick Beating"
ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!! Looks like a blast to play. Please help my deck "RG Quick Beating"
a wall of souls would help stall out the game a little. also darkness would help you live an extra turn. Looks like an interesting strategy. Good luck! Please check out my deck "RG Quick Beating"
Heritage Druid would be fantasitc. Elvish Promenade would also be great. Otherwise, this still looks really strong. Please check out my deck "RG Quick Beating"
how 'bout Leyline of Lightning? or Lightning Bolt? any of those would help. Also lowering down card count to 60 would still help :D. Looks pretty dangerous though... I can already smell burning buildings... Please check out my deck "RG Quick Beating"
28 Lands?!?!? hm... try 20 swamps and 4 Cabal. Put in Murderous Redcap in their place. Blowfly Infestation will find a home in almost any wither deck. Cinderbones delays with its regenerating (+wither). Also try Beseech the Queen for a cheap tutor. Cards to think about taking out: (aforementioned) those four swamps, Thoughtseize, one or two temporal extortion, and one or two corrupt. Please check out my deck "RG Quick Beating"
Mutavault would work (Its pricey though). Woodland changeling would make a cheap wolf creature (technically). Looks like an interesting an fun tribal deck! Please check out my deck "GW Agro"
one or two more legion and a sliver queen or two if possible. Gemstone Mine or Terramorphic Expanse would help mana base. looks nice!
Llanowar Elves would make this faster. Door of Destinies/Coat of Arms would be a killer. Nice elf deck start. Please check out my deck "GW Agro"
Teferi's Puzzlebox anyone?
Looks like a BLAST to play! Veilstone Amulet and/or Privileged Position would help prot. your massive creations. Please check out my deck "GW Agro"
Empty the Warrens, Volcanic Awakening, Brain Freeze, and/or Tendrils of Agony would be AWESOME in here! Otherwise great deck
so you'll rely on ONE sliver to get your 5 colors?!
41-60 of 244 items