Changed out Beck for Glimpse
The worst case scenario is that someone kills Aluren. If they did it before I got any clue tokens than Thoughtcast would be a dead draw. If the combo goes off - Beck will draw my entire deck if I want it to.
You are forgetting about Master of Etherium - he makes them 1/1's
Added "Casual" to the tags.... You could swap out Sol Ring for something else if you want to try it another format
I think it needs something to give the beasts reach, or maybe something like Pitfight
I don't understand your sideboard... Blood Moon and Eidolon seem like they would hose your own deck more than an opponents.
I really like [c]Undercity Informer[/c] in my mill deck. Sac a zombie for {1}. make them mill some more. I also run [c]Altar of the Brood[/c]. These two along with the Alchemist can be unstoppable mill combo in multi-player
It looks a little slow to me with six lands that come into play tapped and no decent blockers early game. I like to run shell-dweller just because at 2-drop he is a good early blocker. I don't see anything to protect from fliers, maybe maje room for a couple tower defense?
Swapped out the Lurgoyfs for his cousin Mortivore as regeneration is better than the toughness buff
Yeah, I am sure there are plenty of similar decks out there.I did just make a couple of revisions that should make mine a little more deadly.
I am surprised to not see "Not of This World" at least in the sideboard
I don't get all the hate about the cost of this deck... swap out a couple lands and you chop the deck value in half!
-4 Deadly Recluse+4 Nyx WeaverThe weaver doesn't have deathtouch, which was the main draw of the recluse, but I like the self mill the weaver has like Splinterfright
Looks fun - but I don't see any trample... Since most cards are single green, maybe run a playset of "Rogue's Passage" lands?
I think you need to arm the trolls with crossbows (Crossbow Ambush)Tower Defense might be better suited... but I think crossbows are cooler...
The deck name just sounds more of a discard-deck name than a mill deck name to me.
I don't like it.. it's called "No Cards For You!", but no discard or anything to keep them from drawing, and only four counterspells to keep them from playing creatures or destruction spells, possibly aimed at Jace. Half of the creatures are imaginary and easy to get rid of. I would trade the bear for Fog Bank at least to try to stall air attacks.
I think you need something to remove tokens, like Bile Blight. All your removal spells are single creature and if someone put 3 tokens into play it might take a while to kill them all.Scavenging Ooze and the Wight are at odds with each other... Maybe something with deathtouch like Vampiric Nighthawk instead of the wight?Eradicate might be needed at least sideboard if your opponent likes to use indestructible creatures. Maybe Gild? or Sever the Bloodline would work for both against tokens and indestructibles.
I think you need a sac outlet, so after you steal their creature for a turn, then you can *dispose* of it - Something like "Barrage of Expendables" or maybe "Miren, the Moaning Well".
Vampire Hexmage gets rid of the counters from the demon without any drawback to you, and can also be used to remove counters from opponents creatures. Ring of Xathrid can give it +1/+1 counters each upkeep to negate the -1/-1's as well.