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There's no cards here. Maybe it's a budget deck?
This deck contains all white, with strong enough combos to take down your opponent and keep your health up at the same time, and stop your opponents dead in their tracks.
Cards in Deck. - Number in (x) is the mana cost to cast.
X1 Angel's Feather - Artifact (2) Gain one life for every white spell cast.
X21 Plains
X2 Binding Mage (2)
X2 Griffin Sentinel (3)
X1 Kithkin Zephyrnaut (3)
X2 Palace Guard (3)
X2 Razerfoot Griffin (4)
X1 Serra Angel * (5)
X1 Sage Mastadon (5)
X2 Silvercoat Lion (2)
X2 Soul Warden (1)
X1 Stonybrook Schoolmaster (3)
X2 Stormfront Pegasus (2)
X2 Veteran Armorsmith (2)
X2 Veteran Swordsmith (3)
X2 Wall of Faith (4)
24 Creatures
X1 Armored Assassination (4) + 1/1 For each plains you control and grants flying to target creature.
X1 Holy Strength (1) +1/2 to target creature
X1 Lifelink (1)
X1 Pacifism (2) Target creat. cant attack or block
X1 Angels Mercy (4) You gain 7 life
X1 Divine Verdict (4) Destroy target attacking creature
X1 Glorious Charge (2) + 1/1 to creats. you control until end of turn.
X1Graceful Reprieve (1) If target card was destroyed the turn this was attached return it to the battfield under the owners control.
X2 Righteousness (1) Grant +7/7 to target blocker
X1 Safe Passage (3) Prevent ALL damage to you or creatures this turn.
X1 Excommunicate (3) Returns target creature card to the top of owners library.
X1 Solemn Offering (3) Destroy Target Enchantment or Artifact and gain 4 life.
So card count is
X24 Creatures
X21 Lands
x4 Enchantments
x7 Instants
X2 Sorceries
Basic mechanics and Combos of the Deck -
The main thing your gonna wanna do is get a Soul Warden and an Angel's Feather out Asap since they can both have you gain life. Your soldiers and flyers are your main fighters in this deck So getting the veterans out will save you some while letting your fliers attack the enemy. Serra Angel and Sage Mastadon are your heavy hitters in this deck, so you wont need to focus on them until later in the game. This deck can push out small creatures like Silverlion and Pegasus early to start dealing damage to your opponent quickly. Your main Blockers are your 2 Palace Guards and 2 Wall of Faiths, More on the palace guards in the Combo Section. Wall of faith has a nifty ability to let you tap a plain and give it +0/1 until EOT boosting its Toughness up to 6. Your Instants are there incase things start turning sour for you. Righteousness can come in handy when your oppenent has a strong monster out and you need to kill since it give Plus 7/7 to Blocker, more on this in the combo Section. More on instants in General in the Combo Section as well. Your enchantments help you remove a creature from threating you and gaining you life while one can cut up your enemies like a knife through butter. Sorceries dont play a big role in this deck, clearing out a monster so you can attack safely and gaining some life is it for those.
Now here is where the things in this deck really start to get Interesting. Lets say your late into a round and your opponent has a 3 4/4's on the field and all you have is a palace guard on the field 2 plains untapped and Graceful Reprieve in your hand.. Your opponent is gonna swing at you with them all and under any normal circumstance you'll block one, and take 8 damage. However, I mentioned earlier that we would get into Palace Guards ability in this section. Palace Guard has the ability to block ANY numbers of attackers. You can block 3, 10, 4, etc. of your opponents creatures. Now, 3 4/4s, you have palace guard. What you would do is Block all 3 of the 4/4s with your palace guard and, dont forget, You have that Graceful Reprieve. Block 3, Cast Graceful Reprieve to get him back after the turn, and you take no damage and your good for another turn.
Other Combos.
Veteran Armorsmith and Veteran Swordsmith go hand in hand with each other, They also boost your Palace Guards, so having them on the field is a must. You can boost your Guard to 6 toughness and boost your Attackers to Plus 2.
Kilthkin comes in handy for boosting purposes, He has an effect for you to reveal the top card of your libray if it shares a creature type, like soldier, then he gains plus 2/2 and flying until end of turn and the card goes back ontop of the libray, no shuffling. Good way to get an insight into whats coming and maybe inflict some extra damage.
There are more combos in this deck, However it is extremely late the best thing to do is full around with it, i will post more tomorrow.