I took out the fogs and the Nalaar, Added another Sarkhan, since it fits the theme better. Added in 4 Naturalizes since my guys were getting o'ringed out the a@@. Plus, Naturalize deals with that retarded Eldrazi Monument that everyones so hyped up over. Its too useless in my opinions, naya has a ton of cards to deal with that deck, and to deal with almost anything. I for one, always hold on to one or two naturalizes and paths if there maindecked, why waste it on something when you know something bigger and better coming down the road. I mean, yea a constant two gets annoying, which is why i sideboarded in 2 Obelisk of Alara
Yea I have three of the Nacatls, But no Bull Cerodons on me, and i only had one hushblade so, I decided to leave em out for now.